Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA): annual review 2023 to 2024

Planning and Environmental Appeals Division's annual review of its performance for 2023 to 2024.

Who We Are

DPEA’s senior management team is made up of the Chief Reporter, Scott Ferrie; the three Assistant Chief Reporters, Allison Coard, Karen Heywood and David Liddell; the Head of Performance and Administration, David Henderson; and the Principal Reporters, David Buylla, Robert Seaton, Alasdair Edwards, Trudi Craggs and Chris Warren.

There have been some new additions to the self-employed reporters this year with Sarah Foster, Paul Haggin and John Warren joining the team. Since the end of the review year Euan McLaughlin has left the self-employed reporter panel.

There have been several changes of administration staff this year with the retiral of Diane Sinclair; the moving on to pastures new of Stuart McLuckie, Anastasia Pseiraki, Euan Murray and Calum Henderson; and the hiring of Rebecca Brown, David Speirs and Sonya Thomas.

Our office in Falkirk is fully open with our staff working a variety of different patterns involving working from home and the office, balancing their own working pattern preferences with DPEA’s business need. Our organisational chart at Appendix B shows our management and administrative structure. Our reporters are listed at Appendix C. Although they are home based, they are in regular contact with members of the casework support team and work closely with them. Reporters have a variety of professional backgrounds, albeit most are planners.



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