
Planning your own funeral: guide

Guide to planning your own funeral including help with costs.

Useful contacts

Here are some places where you can get help and advice:

(Call charges to these numbers vary)

Age Scotland
Helpline - 0800 12 44 222

Citizens Advice service in Scotland

  • Citizens Advice Bureaux
    Find contact details for your local bureau online
    Check your phone book for details of your local Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Use the Citizens Advice Scotland's advice website to get advice online

Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland

Helpline - 0845 600 2227
(Calls cost 5p per minute plus your network providers access charge)

Department for Work and Pensions

Can offer information and help with claiming a Funeral Expenses Payment.
0345 606 0265

Bereavement Service helpline

Telephone: 0800 731 0469
Textphone: 0800 731 0464
NGT text relay (if you cannot hear or speak on the phone): 18001 then 0800 731 0469
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Find out about call charges

An adviser will also help you claim any other bereavement benefits you might be entitled to.

You can also claim by post. Download and fill in the claim form, then send it to the address on the form.

Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief

LGBT Health and Wellbeing

Helpline - 0300 123 2523

Natural Death Centre

01962 712 690 (Impartial advice on any funeral related issue)

The Good Funeral Guide

Gives an overview of your funeral options

Samaritans in Scotland
116 123 (free phoneline, day or night, 365 days a year)

The National Association of Funeral Directors

0121 711 1343

The Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors

0345 230 6777 or 01279 726 777

Quaker Social Action Down to Earth Service

Free telephone based support for people on low incomes concerned about the cost of a funeral. They can advise on ways of reducing the cost and raising funds but don't give grants themselves.

0208 983 5055

If you require a copy of this leaflet in any other format or a different language please contact or 0300 244 4000 (ask Funeral Poverty Team) or Text Relay Service: 18001+ 0300 244 4000 (service for deaf people).



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