
Planning your own funeral: guide

Guide to planning your own funeral including help with costs.

Make sure you know

Remember that prices might vary between making your funeral wishes and when you die. You might want to talk about this with your funeral director or the person who will arrange your funeral.

Decisions to be made about my body

What I'd like


Estimated Cost


I'd like this to be in the following cemetery

I/or my family already own a burial plot (lair)

The plot number is:


I'd like this to be in the following crematorium

I'd like my ashes to be:

  • buried
  • scattered
  • retained


I've made arrangements for my body to be donated to:

If my donation can't be accepted, then...

Decisions to be made about a Funeral Service/Ceremony

What I'd like


Estimated Cost

I don't want a funeral service

I'd prefer that there is no funeral service following my death

At a time that suits, following the arrangements for my body, I'd like my family to have some kind of memorial event

I'd like a religious service

I'd like the service to be at

I've no preference where the service is held

I'd like the service to be led by

I've no preference who leads the service

I'd like a non-religious service at

I'd like the service to be at

I've no preference where the service is held

I'd like the service to be led by

I've no preference who leads the service

I have no preference either way about a funeral service

Decisions to be made about the care of my body

What I'd like


Estimated Cost

Who will make the arrangements?

I've discussed this with the funeral director. Their contact details are:

I've discussed this with another person and they will lead the arrangements. Their contact details are:

I leave it to my family/friends to decide how the arrangements will be made

There's a wide range of coffin styles

I'd like the choice of my coffin to be based on:

  • the material it's made of
  • value for money
  • impact on the environment

I'd prefer not to have a coffin used


I've no preference about what I'm dressed in

I'd like to be dressed in a shroud

I'd like to be dressed in my own clothes


I'd like my family to have the opportunity to view my body

I'd like anyone to have the opportunity to view my body

I don't want anyone to view my body

I've no preference about the viewing of my body

There are a range of transportation options for my body


Simple transport (e.g. estate car, van)

Other personal choice

Other decisions to be made

What I'd like


Estimated Cost

Transportation for my family and friends

I'd like my friends and family to use their own transport

I'd like my immediate family to have a limousine to and from the service

I'd like my family and friends to use public transport


I don't want flowers

I'd like flowers

I've no preference about flowers

Charity donations

I'd like donations to be made to charity

I've no preference about charity donations

Dress code - I'd like my family and friends to be dressed in

traditional/black clothing

bright colours

I've no preference for what my family and friends dress in


I don't want any memorials

I'd like a gravestone or plaque to mark where I or my ashes are buried

I'd like a park bench

I'd like to be mentioned in a book of remembrance

I'd like an obituary/notice in the press and/or a social media post

I'd like an order of service


I've no preference for any memorials

Funeral reception (wake or social remembrance)

I don't want those attending my funeral or memorial to meet for a reception/refreshments

I'd like those attending my funeral or memorial to meet for a reception/refreshments

I don't want a funeral service however sometime afterwards I would like my family and friends to have a funeral reception

I've no preference about a funeral reception

Other decisions - either the funeral service, or reception




My funeral: Estimated Total Cost £

Remember that prices might vary between making your funeral wishes and when you die. You might want to talk about this with your funeral director or the person who will lead your funeral arrangements.

My funeral savings

You can give information to your family or friends about any arrangements you have made to pay for your funeral below.
For example, do you have any of the funeral savings products listed below? If you do you can let your family and friends know which company is it with, and account numbers for these.

  • Insurance Policy
  • Savings Account
  • Funeral Plan
  • Other savings



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