
Planning improvements for disabled pupils' access to education: guidance for education authorities, independent and grant-aided schools

Guidance to support responsible bodies in the development and maintenance of accessibility strategies.


This guidance replaces earlier guidance entitled 'Planning to Improve Access to Education for Pupils with Disabilities' issued by the Scottish Executive in 2002. The purpose of this earlier guidance was to provide advice to education authorities and schools about how they could meet their then new duties to improve access to education for disabled pupils. These planning duties came into force in 2002 with the commencement of the Education (Disability Strategies and Pupils' Educational Records) (Scotland) Act 2002 (the Act).

This guidance replaces and updates that earlier guidance. It provides advice on the provisions of the Act in the light of legislative and policy developments since 2002. This guidance links to other relevant guidance and documents both through the use of footnotes on each page and via the resources section.

Through Curriculum for Excellence this government is committed to ensuring that all children and young people are included fully in their learning. That means making sure that those at risk of being marginalised in education are as fully engaged in their learning as they can be.

Disabled learners face particular barriers to learning. However, these barriers are not an inevitable result of their difficulties or medical conditions. The most significant disadvantages these learners experience often stem from attitudinal and environmental factors. These are factors which can be changed.

This guidance considers the particular provisions of the Act. It describes the requirements the Act places on education authorities and schools to work to improve the education of disabled learners and to help ensure that they are properly included in, and able to benefit fully from, their school education.

This guidance document is aimed at three different types of responsible body; education authorities, grant-aided and independent schools. Some of the guidance document, highlighted with a purple edge, will apply to all responsible bodies. Where pages are highlighted with a blue edge they are directed to education authorities, where pages are highlighted with a green edge they are directed to independent and grant-aided schools.


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