Planning performance statistics: annual report 2018-2019

Annual statistics on planning decision-making and timescales for 2012-2013 to 2018-2019, based on quarterly data collected by the Scottish Government from Local and Planning Authorities as part of the Planning Performance Framework (introduced in 2012).

5. Applications by Development Type

5.1. Local Developments 

The average decision time for 25,244 (post 3rd August 2009) local applications not subject to processing agreements in 2018/19 was 9.0 weeks. The number of decisions and average decision times vary between types of development (Tables 1 and 2). 

In addition, there were 2,129 local developments decided in 2018/19 that had processing agreements in place. Developments with processing agreements are not included in average time calculations.

The largest share of local developments is for householder developments (almost 50%) and these have the shortest average decision time (7.2 weeks). Mineral applications (0.1% of all local decisions) have the longest average decision time (17.4 weeks).

Chart 37: Local Developments: Number of decisions

Chart 37: Local Developments: Number of decisions

Chart 38: Local Developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 38: Local Developments: Average decision time (weeks)

Table 1: Post 3 August 2009 Applications: Local Developments: Annual average decision times by Development Type1

Post-3rd August
Local Developments
2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13
Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks)
Householder 12,482 7.2 12,861 7.3 13,400 7.3 13,641 7.4 14,115 7.5 13,904 7.7 13,446 8.0
Other Developments  5,859 9.6 5,981 9.9 5,919 10.0 6,126 10.3 6,099 10.4 6,258 10.5 5,822 11.3
Housing 4,648 12.3 4,768 12.2 4,899 12.7 5,590 13.7 5,807 14.5 5,762 15.2 5,563 17.2
Business & Industry 1,477 9.1 1,609 9.5 1,738 9.3 1,941 10.4 2,257 10.7 2,370 11.1 2,531 11.8
Telecommunications 230 8.8 504 8.7 457 8.1 441 7.9 416 7.6 404 8.5 301 8.5
AMSCs 289 13.8 284 13.9 294 14.5 319 13.0 318 14.8 302 17.4 255 16.3
Electricity Generation  180 14.5 123 13.3 178 19.2 561 17.4 626 22.4 861 23.1 1,247 21.2
Fish Farming 33 15.2 56 9.3 44 8.5 84 9.4 53 13.3 63 12.5 43 10.6
Minerals  26 17.4 17 27.1 28 19.9 39 35.0 25 17.7 47 15.8 35 26.9
Waste Management  20 9.4 17 16.6 29 11.6 22 10.8 23 17.8 55 19.4 89 16.3
Total 25,244 9.0 26,220 9.0 26,986 9.2 28,764 9.7 29,739 10.1 30,026 10.6 29,332 11.4

Table 2: All Applications: Local Developments: Annual average decision times by Development Type1,2

All Applications
Local Developments
2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13
Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks)
Householder         13,400 7.3 13,644 7.5 14,116 7.5 13,904 7.7 13,450 8.1
Other Developments          5,920 10.0 6,131 10.5 6,102 10.5 6,264 10.8 5,833 11.7
Housing         4,901 12.8 5,616 14.4 5,836 15.3 5,831 17.5 5,671 20.9
Business & Industry         1,738 9.3 1,944 11.2 2,259 10.9 2,385 12.9 2,548 13.0
Telecommunications         457 8.1 441 7.9 416 7.6 404 8.5 301 8.5
AMSCs         294 14.5 319 13.0 319 15.1 303 18.0 255 16.3
Electricity Generation          178 19.2 561 17.4 626 22.4 863 23.5 1,251 21.7
Fish Farming         44 8.5 84 9.4 53 13.3 63 12.5 43 10.6
Minerals          28 19.9 40 35.1 25 17.7 49 22.3 36 31.6
Waste Management          30 15.5 22 10.8 23 17.8 57 26.8 95 28.7
Total 26,990 9.2 28,802 10.0 29,775 10.3 30,123 11.3 29,483 12.4

1. Figures do not include applications subject to processing agreements

2. The analysis in Sections 2 to 5 covers applications validated in the current planning system, post 3rd August 2009. For applications decided prior to quarter one 2017/18, where appropriate, figures are provided for both post 3rd August 2009 applications and all applications including legacy cases. From quarter one 2017/18, because of the limited number of legacy cases still being processed, figures are only shown for applications validated post 3rd August 2009.  Analysis of the limited number of decided legacy cases is provided separately in Section 11

5.2. Major Developments

The average decision time for 207 (post 3rd August 2009) major applications not subject to processing agreements in 2018/19 was 32.5 weeks. The number of decisions and average decision times vary between types of development (Tables 3 and 4). 

In addition, there were 118 major developments decided in 2018/19 that had processing agreements in place. Developments with processing agreements are not included in average time calculations.

Almost half (49%) of major developments are for housing developments, these have an average decision time of 35.1 weeks.

The shortest average decision time of 23.7 weeks is for Business and Industry developments, the longest average decision time is for Mineral applications (41.9 weeks). 

Chart 39: Major Developments by Development Type: Number of decisions

Chart 39: Major Developments by Development Type: Number of decisions

Chart 40: Major Developments by Development Type: Average decision time (weeks)

Chart 40: Major Developments by Development Type: Average decision time (weeks)

Table 3: Post 3 August 2009 Applications: Major Developments: Annual average decision times by Development Type1

Post-3rd August
Major Developments
2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13
Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks)
Housing  98 35.1 116 38.2 108 43.4 95 40.6 113 41.3 117 41.9 76 40.1
Other Developments  64 31.1 83 30.6 94 30.4 108 25.1 101 28.7 105 25.9 66 34.3
Business & Industry  22 23.7 17 25.5 26 33.2 23 19.9 39 33.1 41 26.6 45 22.8
Electricity Generation  9 25.6 9 36.5 10 32.6 16 31.7 19 53.6 27 58.4 24 50.7
Minerals  10 41.9 8 23.9 5 30.0 16 33.6 16 52.1 13 20.6 21 46.6
Waste Management  3 27.4 5 14.0 3 18.6 9 22.4 9 18.4 7 23.7 5 22.3
Fish Farming 1 36.9 0 - 0 - 1 18.0 1 31.6 0 - 1 4.4
Total 207 32.5 238 33.6 246 36.4 268 31.0 298 36.6 310 34.6 238 36.3

Table 4: All Applications: Major Developments: Annual average decision times by Development Type1,2 

All Applications
Major Developments
2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16 2014/15 2013/14 2012/13
Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks) Number of decisions Average decision time (weeks)
Housing          108 43.4 105 52.1 125 54.1 147 69.9 104 74.8
Other Developments          96 30.3 111 26.3 103 32.9 115 38.7 73 46.2
Business & Industry          26 33.2 23 19.9 41 41.3 45 39.8 51 56.2
Electricity Generation          10 32.6 17 53.7 21 69.1 27 58.4 28 64.4
Minerals          6 39.0 18 41.8 17 70.0 15 59.0 23 47.4
Waste Management          3 18.6 9 22.4 10 24.8 7 23.7 7 87.4
Fish Farming         0 - 1 18.0 1 31.6 0 - 1 4.4
Total 249 36.4 284 37.8 318 46.4 356 53.8 287 61.1

1. Figures do not include applications subject to processing agreements.

2. The analysis in Sections 2 to 5 covers applications validated in the current planning system, post 3rd August 2009. For applications decided prior to quarter one 2017/18, where appropriate, figures are provided for both post 3rd August 2009 applications and all applications including legacy cases. From quarter one 2017/18, because of the limited number of legacy cases still being processed, figures are only shown for applications validated post 3rd August 2009.  Analysis of the limited number of decided legacy cases is provided separately in Section 11



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