Planning performance statistics: 2018-2019 midyear

Latest statistics on planning decision-making and timescales for April to September 2018 (quarters one and two), as well as historic data going back to quarter one of 2014-2015.

Annex A: Distribution of Decision Times for Major Applications

The following charts show the distribution of the decision times for major applications that were concluded in quarter one and quarter two of 2018/19. Each column of dots shows the distribution of decision times for the applications in the category. Each dot represents one application (some dots land on top of one other). Where there were three or more applications horizontal lines show the mean and median decision times.

Chart 34: Distribution of decision times in quarter one 2018/19 for major applications (excludes one legacy case)

Chart 34: Distribution of decision times in quarter one 2018/19 for major applications (excludes one legacy case)

Chart 35: Distribution of decision times in quarter two 2018/19 for major applications (excludes four legacy cases)

Chart 35: Distribution of decision times in quarter two 2018/19 for major applications (excludes four legacy cases)

All Major Applications

The average decision time figures of 31.7 and 37.3 weeks for quarters one and two have been influenced by a number of lengthier decision times, including 18 decision times of longer than a year – five in quarter one and 13 in quarter two. Three of the five in quarter one and three of the 13 in quarter two had decision times of longer than two years. The longest decision time in quarter one was 4.5 years.


In quarter one two Major Housing applications had decision times of more than one year, the longest taking more than four years. The average decision time of 34.6 weeks was significantly influenced by these two applications with decision times of 1.5 and 4.5 years; the average decision time for the remaining 22 applications was 23.6 weeks.

In quarter two, six Major Housing applications had decision times of more than one year while 64.3% (18 of 28) were decided in a time that was quicker than the average.


In quarter one there were two Major Other Development applications with decision times of more than two years. The average decision time of 34.5 weeks was significantly influenced by these two applications with long decision times. The average decision time for the remaining 15 applications was 21.6 weeks.

In quarter two five major other development applications had decision times of more than one year, three of these taking more than two years


Email: Planning Statistics

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