
Planning performance statistics: quarterly reports - April to September 2019-2020

Summary statistics on planning decision-making and timescales for April to September 2019.

8. Appeals and Local Reviews

Local Review Bodies[4] dealt with 129 cases in the first quarter of 2019/20, 66.7% of which had the original decision upheld. In quarter two there were 154 applications subject to local reviews with 68.8% resulting in the original decision being upheld. In the same period in the previous year 66.2% (of 154 cases) in quarter one and 54.7% (of 128 cases) in quarter two had their original decisions upheld.

In addition 68.8% (of 64 cases) of appeals to Scottish Ministers in quarter one and 55.1% (of 78 cases) in quarter two had the original decision upheld. This compares with 60.0% (of 70 cases) and 50.6% (of 87 cases) respectively for quarter one and quarter two in 2018/19.



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