
Planning performance statistics 2021/2022: Quarterly (April 2021 to September 2021)

This report presents summary statistics on planning application decision-making timescales for April to September 2021, as well as historic data back to 2017/18. It is based on data collected from Local and Planning Authorities as part of the Planning Performance Framework (introduced in 2012).


1. Applications for Approval of Matters Specified in Conditions (AMSCs) relate to conditions attached to planning permission in principle requiring the further approval, consent or agreement of the planning authority for any detailed aspect of the development.

2. The validation date, from which the time period for determination runs, is the date when the final piece of information for an application is received from the applicant.

3. Decisions on applications classified as Other consents and certificates or prior notifications/approvals are not included in the calculation of approval rates.

4. Local Review Bodies were introduced in 2009. They consist of three or more elected members from the planning authority and their purpose is to review decisions on planning applications for certain types of development taken by officers under delegated powers. Requests for review must be made within 3 months of the decision. Reviews can only be requested where planning permission has been refused or where conditions have been imposed on a consent.



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