
Planning performance statistics 2021/2022: Quarterly (April 2021 to September 2021)

This report presents summary statistics on planning application decision-making timescales for April to September 2021, as well as historic data back to 2017/18. It is based on data collected from Local and Planning Authorities as part of the Planning Performance Framework (introduced in 2012).

4. Processing Agreements

Some local authorities use processing agreements where the developer and the local authority agree on timescales for decisions. Applications subject to a processing agreement are not included in average decision time calculations.

This section gives a summary of the use of processing agreements across all application types.

In the first two quarters of 2021/22 there were 1,973 applications decided that had processing agreements, 418 more than in the same period in the previous year, an increase of 27%.

In quarter one 9.3% of all applications (943 of 9,170) had processing agreements, in quarter two this increased to 10.8% (1,030 of 8,527) of all applications having a processing agreement.

Planning authorities reported increased use of processing agreements, particulary for local applications, throughout 2020/21 and into the first half of 2021/22 as part of the management of impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and delays.

Table 1: Processing Agreements, 2021/22, Quarter 1 and 2
Category of development Number of Decisions Quarter 1 % Within Agreed Timescales Quarter 1 Number of Decisions Quarter 2 % Within Agreed Timescales Quarter 2
Major Applications 30 63.3% 16 56.3%
Local Applications 772 75.4% 856 77.7%
EIA Developments 4 25.0% 0 -
Other Consents 137 70.1% 158 68.4%
Total 943 74.0% 1,030 75.9%
Chart 19: Summary of applications with and without Processing Agreements

Stacked bar chart showing quarterly trends since 2017/18.
Trends show increasing use of processing agreements for local and major developments over the last five years. All development types show an increase use of processing agreements since the start of 2020/21.



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