
Planning performance statistics 2021/2022: Quarterly (April 2021 to September 2021)

This report presents summary statistics on planning application decision-making timescales for April to September 2021, as well as historic data back to 2017/18. It is based on data collected from Local and Planning Authorities as part of the Planning Performance Framework (introduced in 2012).

6. Prior Notifications/Prior Approvals

On 1st April 2021 changes to the General Permitted Development Order, which relate to Agriculture, Peatland Restoration, Active Travel and Telecommunication Equipment, came into effect. A number of the new and extended Permitted Development Rights are subject to prior notification/ approval procedures. In order to monitor the impact of the changes data for prior notification/ approval applications are being collected and reported separately from 2021/2022. Chart 22 depicts the start of the collection of this data in quarter 1 and 2 in 2021/22.

A summary is included in this section. Details including a breakdown by category can be found in the supporting excel tables and will be reported in the annual statistics.

In the first two quarters of 2021/22 there were 906 prior notification/ approval applications not subject to processing agreements decided. The average time taken to make decisions on these applications was 4.3 weeks.

In addition, in quarter one there was one prior notification/ approval subject to a processing agreement determined. It did not meet the agreed timescales set between developers and local authorities. In quarter two there were five, with 80.0% (4) meeting the agreed timescales. Applications subject to processsing agreements are not included in average decision time calculations.

Chart 22: Prior Notifications/Approvals

Combined line and bar chart showing quarterly trends in 2021/22.
Trends show similar numbers of applications determined and decision times in both quarters.



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