
Planning review position statement: analysis of responses

Analysis of responses to the Scottish Government's Position Statement following the consultation on Places, People and Planning.


Community Infrastructure Levy ( CIL): The Community Infrastructure Levy is a planning charge in England and Wales, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.

Community Planning: A process, delivered through Community Planning Partnerships, aimed at helping public agencies to work together with the local community to plan and deliver better services, with community engagement as a key aim. Community planning is, however, separate from the land-use planning system, and how it is implemented generally depends on the local authority. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 2).

Development Plan: A generic term for the Structure and/or Local Plan, or Strategic Development Plan and/or Local Development Plan, which apply to a planning authority area. Any planning application should be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 3).

Planning and Environmental Appeals Division ( DPEA): The Scottish Government's Division that handles planning appeals on behalf of the Scottish Ministers (Scottish Government, A Guide to Planning Appeals in Scotland, 2).

Local Development Plans ( LDP): Part of the Development Plan – a statutory document required to be prepared (as of 2009), after full public consultation, by all planning authorities in Scotland to replace existing Local Plans. The LDP is the basis for making planning decisions in a given area. It must contain a spatial strategy and a vision statement, planning policies and maps. In the four city-regions, the LDP will be supplemented with a Strategic Development Plan; elsewhere the Development Plan will compromise only the Local Development Plan. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 4).

Housing Needs and Demand Assessment ( HNDA): An evidence base providing the facts and figures which underpin the preparation of Local Housing Strategies, Strategic Development Plans and Local Development Plans. It is referred to as the HNDA and provides key evidence for housing and planning policy. The HNDA evaluates housing needs and demand, covering "backlog need" (those with a critical housing issue, such as homelessness) and "newly arising" (need for new housing over a given time).

Infrastructure: Utility services (roads, sewers, and supplies of gas, water, electricity) or social/community services (schools, community halls, health centres etc.) which are needed to allow a development to take place. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 4).

Main Issues Report ( MIR): The initial draft of a local development plan that seeks comment on site and policy options. (Highland Council, CasPlan Glossary:

National Planning Framework ( NPF): The Scottish Government's strategy for the long-term development of Scotland's towns, cities and countryside. It sets out a vision for Scotland's development for the next 20 to 25 years and designates developments of national importance. Development Plans must have regard to the content of the NPF. (Planning Aid Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 5).

Pre-Application Consultation ( PAC): Public events required to be held by prospective applicants prior to submission of applications for national developments and major developments, to enable local communities to be better informed about significant development proposals in their area. Prospective applicants must notify community councils (and other parties as agreed with the planning authority) and hold a minimum of one public event (to be advertised 7 days in advance in a local newspaper) at which members of the public can make comments. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 6).

Planning Permission in Principle ( PPiP): formerly known as outline planning permission and allows an application to be submitted to find out if the idea of a proposal is acceptable without the need to submit full plans and drawings. (Aberdeen City Council, Planning Terms A – Z:

Scottish Planning Policy ( SPP): A document stating Scottish Government policy on nationally important land use and other planning matters. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 7).

Section 75 Agreement: Planning obligations (known as section 75 Agreements in Scotland) are contracts entered into between a landowner/developer and the planning authority. A planning obligation can be entered into at any stage of the planning process, and most commonly arises in connection with applications for planning permission and can include financial contributions towards schools, roads, transport, public realm and affordable housing. (Morton Fraser, Knowledge Hub:

Section 72 of the Climate Change Act (2009): Requires planning authorities in any local development plan to include policies requiring all new build developments include greenhouse gas emission policies through installation and operation of low and zero carbon generating technology.

Strategic Development Plans ( SDP): SDPs apply to the 4 city-regions (Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and their surrounding areas) and cover several local authority areas. SDPs are required to be prepared jointly by planning authorities acting as Strategic Development Planning Authorities ( SDPAs) as of 2009 to replace existing structure plans. SDPS will set parameters for Local Development Plans; contain Vision Statements and Spatial Strategies; and will consider how land use proposals for neighbouring areas will impact on the SDP area. (Planning Aid for Scotland, Glossary of Common Planning Terms in Scotland, 8).

Supplementary Guidance ( SG): guidance that runs in association with an approved and adopted development plan and which has normally been through an additional consultation stage. The precise status may be affected by the stages of consultation and adoption by relevant parties, so it can be referred to as 'Interim' prior to full adoption.

Simplified Planning Zone ( SPZ): An area in which a local planning authority wishes to stimulate development and encourage investment. It operates by granting a specific planning permission in the zone without the need for an application for planning permission and the payment of planning fees. (Planning Portal Glossary:


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