Planning Scotland's Seas: 2013 - Possible Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas Consultation Overview Sustainability Appraisal

This report documents the findings of a Sustainablity Appraisal to accompany the 2013 public consultation on possible nature conservation marine protected areas (pMPAs).


2. as have the non-statutory draft sectoral plans for offshore wind, wave and tidal energy
3. Marine Scotland. 2012. Report to the Scottish Parliament on Progress to Identify a Scottish Network of Marine Protected Areas, page 10.
4. Scottish Natural Heritage and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee. 2012. Advice to the Scottish Government on the selection of Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for the development of the Scottish MPA network. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 547.
5. available at
6. The Scottish Marine Protected Area Project - Developing the Evidence Base for Impact Assessments and the Sustainability Appraisal.
7. Gross Value Added is an income measure and measures the contribution which each producer, industry or sector makes to the economy.


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