Planning Scotlands Seas: Consultation Analysis Overview Report.

A suite of consultations relating to the use of marine resources was published as Planning Scotland’s Seas in July 2013. Independent analysis of all written responses to the consultations has been undertaken. An overview is presented in this report.


3.1 There were a number of sector-specific themes noted across consultations and these are outlined in the paragraphs below.

Fishing and aquaculture

3.2 A number of themes appeared in relation to fishing and aquaculture across the NMP, MPA, ORE and PMF consultations and these are discussed below.

3.3 In particular, that the fisheries sector felt the Draft NMP does not offer adequate support and protection, and that it prioritises sustainable development over the long term fishing sector.

3.4 Mobile fishing respondents commented that their methods have been in use for many years without evidence of damaging the environment; other respondents said they believed the opposite to be true.

3.5 A number of respondents asked for more information on implications of the plans included in the Planning Scotland's Seas documents for commercial and recreational fishing and for commercial and recreational species.

3.6 In relation to aquaculture, there was a preference for this to be integrated into marine planning processes to help clarify and create consistency across all marine activities and to create a more strategic approach to aquaculture.

Energy and telecoms

3.7 NMP and MPA responses contained themes relating to energy and telecoms. Respondents wanted to see more recognition of the impact of the oil and gas sector on climate change, with some queries as to the compatibility of oil and gas policies with the strategic objectives and climate change policies.

3.8 While the incorporation of Sectoral Marine Plans was seen as helpful to the integration of policies and interactions between the offshore renewable sector and the marine environment, there were also concerns over conflicts between Government targets for renewables and its goals for the marine environment.

3.9 Respondents from the energy and public sector groups asked for clarification and more certainty over the interaction of MPAs with existing and proposed installations and assets, for example pipelines and cables for oil and gas, renewables, and telecommunications sectors.

Recreation and Tourism

3.10 Several respondents, across most consultations, talked about the need to ensure the sustainable development of this sector and the need to balance the economic and well-being benefits of tourism and recreation against the need to protect habitats and species, or the environment in general. There was also a small amount of concern over any potential impact on recreational users of the sea and related tourism from renewables Draft Plans and MPAs.


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