Planning Circular 7/2007: planning applications for outdoor sports facilities and open space 2007

More information on the policy changes announced in SPP 11: Open Space and Physical Activity.


4. This Circular explains additional requirements to those set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Scotland) Order 1992 (the GDPO) relating to consultation on planning applications. It incorporates, in Annex I, the Town and Country Planning (Consultation on Applications) (Scotland) Direction 2007, which gives force to the additional requirements and is issued to coincide with the publication of SPP 11. These new arrangements incorporate all existing requirements to consult sportscotland under the GDPO, and paragraphs 3 and 4 of Circular 5/1997 no longer apply. The new arrangements will be incorporated into the GDPO at the next appropriate opportunity.


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