Police Negotiating Board: annual report 2018 to 2019

Annual report for 2018 to 2019 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board (PNB).

Annex D

Equalities Working Group Terms of Reference

An Equalities Working Group (EWG) of the PNB will consider proposals referred to it by the full PNB in respect of Equality related matters.

The group will also be responsible for a wide range of issues that may vary according to changes in primary legislation/regulations and/or determinations, including the following activities:

  • Terms and Conditions and how these impact on groups with protected characteristics;
  • New legislation e.g. Flexible Working/Children and Families Act 2014;

Proposals requiring consultation/negotiation will be progressed using the following process:

  • Points of agreement and disagreement will be recorded;
  • Unless agreed otherwise discussions held will be without prejudice;
  • Proposals agreed at the EWG will be tabled at full meetings of the PNB for approval and will then be issued for consultation in accordance with the current legislation; and
  • An EWG update paper from the group will be agreed and tabled at each PNB.


Representatives from:

Police Scotland (2)

Scottish Government (1)

Scottish Police Authority (1)


The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (1)

Scottish Police Federation (2)

Other invitees as deemed necessary by the PNB or Sides.

Chair of Meetings

The Sides have agreed that the meetings will not be routinely independently chaired in order to promote collaborative working.

Terms of Reference

There will be regular monitoring and reviews of the Terms of Reference by the EWG to ensure it continues to meet the requirements of the group.

Frequency of Meetings

The group will meet as frequently as agreed by both Sides to progress matters referred by the PNB.

Subgroup Lifetime

The need for and effectiveness of this subgroup will be kept under review.


Email: PNB.Secretariat@gov.scot

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