
Police Negotiating Board: annual report 2019 to 2020

Annual report for 2019 to 2020 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board (PNB).

2. Main Issues In The Review Period

2.1 In June 2020, it was noted that the Staff Side had submitted a Pay 2021 claim. Agreement was reached for both sides to commence preliminary discussions on the 2021 pay agreement in September.

2.2 In June 2020, it was highlighted that COP 26, originally scheduled for November 2020 had now been postponed until 2021. Agreement was reached to continue discussions regarding COP 26 including rest day compensation and voluntary overtime.

2.3 PNB noted the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact on policing. Agreement was reached to continue discussions within the TWG on COVID-19 related items such as the carry-over of annual leave.

Equalities Working Group (EWG)

2.6 The EWG met on 5 occasions during the reporting period and has discussed a range of matters under its remit including Flexible Working and Equal Pay Audits.

Technical Working Group (TWG)

2.7 The TWG met on 3 occasions during the period covered by this report and has discussed a range of matters under its remit including: COP26, Covid-19, Clarification of Pay Scales, Central Services Allowance and Overseas Deployments

2.8 During this reporting period, the TWG meetings have taken place without a formal chair at the agreement of both Sides due to a commitment to collaborative working by both Official and Staff Side representatives.

Conciliation and Arbitration arrangements

2.9 Conciliation and arbitration arrangements were not used in the reporting period.



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