
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: annual report 2023

Annual report for 2023 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS).

About the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland

The Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of police officers in Scotland. We reach agreements which we recommend to Scottish ministers to become part of police regulations and determinations.

PNBS is a Scottish public body, with the Chair appointed by Scottish ministers.

PNBS is sponsored by Police Division within the Scottish Government Safer Communities Directorate.

PNBS replaced the Police Negotiating Board in August 2023.

What we do

We are responsible for negotiating police officers:

  • pay, allowances and expenses
  • public holidays and leave
  • hours of duty

The Board may consider and make representations to the Scottish ministers on draft determinations or regulations or any matter relating to the governance, administration and conditions of service of police officers in Scotland.

The Annual Report details the business of the PNBS for the previous 12 months. We also publish circulars which set out agreements reached.

Who we are

PNBS consists of an Official Side and Staff Side representing the constituent bodies with an Independent Chair and Independent Secretariat. Each side consists of six representatives with voting rights as indicated in the table below.

PNBS membership and voting rights
Staff Side Official Side Independent
Scottish Police Federation 4 Scottish Police Authority 3 Chair
Association of Scottish Police Superintendents 1 Police Scotland (representing the Chief Constable) 2 Secretariat
Scottish Chief Police Officers Staff Association 1 Scottish Government (representing Scottish ministers) 1

Our Chair is Lisa Blackett. Lisa was appointed PNBS Chair by Scottish ministers on 18 September 2023. Lisa was appointed as Independent Chair of the Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF) at the same time. The Independent Secretariat is provided by the Scottish Government. Our current Secretariat is Scott McNeil.

Staff Side

The Staff Side consists of the Scottish Police Federation (SPF), the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS) and the Scottish Chief Police Officers Staff Association (SCPOSA). The Staff Side Secretary is David Kennedy and Secretariat is provided by the Scottish Police Federation.

The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) represent police officers from the rank of Constable up to and including the rank of Chief Inspector as well as police cadets and special constables. David Kennedy is the General Secretary of the SPF as well as the Official Side Secretary. David Threadgold is the Chair of the SPF.

The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS) represent the senior operational leaders of Police Scotland in the ranks of Superintendent and Chief Superintendent. Stewart Carle is the ASPS General Secretary and Rob Hay is the ASPS President.

The Scottish Chief Police Officers Staff Association (SCPOSA) is the representative body of all senior police officers (Assistant Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable and Chief Constable) in Police Scotland. Andrew Barker is the General Secretary of SCPOSA.

Official Side

The Official Side consists of the Scottish ministers, the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland. The Official Side Secretary is Sarah Messenger and Secretariat is provided by David Algie.

The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) was established as a public body on 1 April 2013 and is the primary governance body for policing in Scotland. The Chief Executive is Lynn Brown and Martyn Evans is the Chair of the Authority. The SPA Board consists of up to 15 members appointed by Scottish ministers.

Police Scotland was established on 1 April 2013 and is responsible for policing across the whole of Scotland. The service is led by Chief Constable Jo Farrell, supported by four Deputy Chief Constables, a Deputy Chief Officer, Assistant Chief Constables and Directors.

The Minister responsible for policing is Angela Constance MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs. Scottish ministers are represented on the PNBS by officials from Police Division. Police Division sets the strategic direction for policing in Scotland and also sponsor the SPA.



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