
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: annual report 2023

Annual report for 2023 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS).

Review of the year

This is the first annual report of the of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland. (PNBS). The reporting year runs from 1 January to 31 December. As the PNBS was established on 17 August, this report covers the period from 17 August to 31 December 2023.

A Police Negotiating Board (PNB) annual report covering the period up to 17 August was published in October 2023.

PNBS in 2023


  • Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS) established, replacing the Police Negotiating Board (PNB) which was abolished at the same time
  • PNBS web page launched
  • Rob Hay appointed President of ASPS


  • Pay agreement for 2023/2024 reached between the sides
  • Ian McKay ends his tenure as Chair of the Police Negotiating Board and Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF)
  • Lisa Blackett appointed as Chair of the PNBS and SPCF by Scottish ministers for a period of 4 years


  • First meeting of the PNBS took place on 26 October
  • Circular published detailing greement between the sides on provision for an Islands Allowance
  • Circular published detailing agreement between the sides on the introduction of a Short-notice Rest Day Allowance


  • Meeting of the PNBS Technical Working Group on 24 November


  • First two meetings of the PNBS Operations and Guide Review Group held on 4 and 13 December


Where agreements are reached between the sides following negotiation these are set out in circulars which are then published on the Scottish Government website.

Police officer pay 2023-24

In September 2023, the Official and Staff Sides reached agreement on changes to pay and terms and conditions. The agreement included a 7% increase to pay and allowances for all police officers in Scotland backdated to 1 April 2023.

The agreement recognised the valuable contribution police officers make keeping people and communities across Scotland safe. It takes into consideration the current economic climate and acknowledges the fact that officers are unable to take industrial action.

The PNBS Chair at the time, Ian McKay, commended the commitment and determination shown by both sides to reach agreement in challenging circumstances.

Review / research into police officer pay and benefits

As part of the pay agreement, the Official and Staff Sides agreed to commission an independent review / research into police officer pay and benefits.

This is comprised of two elements, the first relating to wage growth including consideration of the benefits and risks and possible mechanisms to ensure appropriate wage growth within policing going forward from 2025-26. The second element relates to current pay and benefits and will fully consider the unique nature of the officer role in society.

By the end of the reporting year, the sides had agreed joint principles to inform the research and were working collaboratively to commission the research through the SPA on behalf of the PNBS. The findings of the review / research will be brought back to the PNBS for further consideration.

Islands allowance

In October 2023, the Islands allowance circular was published. The agreement sets out the allowance to be paid to officers who are subject to a planned temporary transfer to an island posting and are required to reside there on a temporary basis. The sides agreed to backdate this allowance to 1 October 2022.

Short-notice rest day working allowance

In November 2023, the Short-notice rest day working allowance circular was published. This details agreement between the sides on the terms for introducing a Short-notice Rest Day Working Allowance for officers of the inspecting and superintending ranks who are required to work on a rest day with less than 48 hours’ notice. The agreement sets out the amount and terms under which the allowance will be paid with an implementation date of 1 April 2023.

Regulations and determinations

Scottish Ministers are undertaking work to update Police Regulations and Determinations to take account of PNB/S agreements made since 2014. A Statutory Instrument amending the Police Service of Scotland Regulations 2013 is due to be in-force by the end of June 2024.

The Official and Staff Sides were consulted on amendments to the Pay and Allowances Determinations from 24 November – 22 December 2023. Scottish Ministers will take account of any consultation responses and will then publish amended determinations on the Scottish Government website.

PNBS meetings

One meeting of the PNBS was held in the reporting period on 26 October 2023. Nineteen members attended this meeting:

  • Independent Chair
  • Independent Secretariat
  • 11 from the Official Side
  • 6 from the Staff Side

Key discussion points included the 2023 pay agreement, updates on working groups and discussion on PNBS processes and the PNBS guide. Members agreed to set up a PNBS Operations and Guide Review Group to review how the PNBS works and inform future processes as well as the PNBS Guide.



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