
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: annual report 2023

Annual report for 2023 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS).

Working groups

Technical Working Group (TWG)

The TWG is an opportunity for representatives of the sides to have discussions without prejudice on terms and conditions with the aim to reach agreeable solutions to take back to their sides for further discussion and approval. Although any agreement must be reached by the full PNBS, the key discussions on terms and conditions generally take place at the TWG.

The TWG met once in the reporting period on 24 November 2023. During the period covered by this report, the TWG reached the following agreements:

Agreements reached in the reporting year

13 September 2023 Pay Agreement and PNBS Circulars (PNBS Circulars 2023/01 to 2023/05)

Following agreement on police officer pay between the sides, TWG agreed the details of circulars providing a breakdown of the pay agreement.

11 October 2023 PNBS Circular 2023/06 - Islands Allowance

Circular detailing agreement on an allowance which recognises the recruitment and retention challenges across the islands of Scotland with effect from 1 October 2022.

23 October 2023 PNBS Circular 2023/07 - Short-notice Rest Day Working Allowance

Circular detailing agreement on an allowance for Inspecting and Superintending ranks, who are required to work on a rest day with less than 48 hours’ notice of the start time of the required duty meaning they will receive a payment of £99 per qualifying day of disruption with effect from 1 April 2023.

The circulars capture the technical elements which were discussed and agreed within the PNBS Technical Working Group and ratified at PNBS prior to implementation.

The TWG have agreed from January 2024 to provide updates to the PNBS covering:

  • Recommendations from the TWG for consideration and ratification at PNBS
  • Decisions taken at TWG
  • Work ongoing within TWG
  • Areas requiring further dialogue within the sides following discussion at TWG
  • Areas linked to the Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF)
  • Areas requiring further discussion within Police Scotland



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