
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: annual report 2023

Annual report for 2023 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS).

Funding and expenses

PNBS is funded entirely by the Scottish Government in terms of Chair remuneration, Secretariat support, publications and any additional expenses.

Chair remuneration

The remuneration for the role of the PNBS Chair is £343 per day.

Total fees and expenses for the PNBS Chair 17 September – 31 December 2023
Expense Cost
Remuneration fees £3452.62
Travel and subsistence expenses £58.40
TOTAL £3,511.02

Independent Secretariat

The Secretariat is provided by the Scottish Government Police Division at no additional cost to the PNBS.

PNBS Publications

PNBS publish documents including circulars and annual reports on the PNBS website. In the reporting period, 7 circulars were produced at a total cost of £2,279.91. This was provided by the Scottish Government.

Additional costs

No additional costs were incurred by the PNBS in the reporting period.



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