
Police Negotiating Board for Scotland: annual report 2023

Annual report for 2023 produced by the Independent Chair of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS).



Circular: A circular sets out agreements between Staff and Official Sides. Approved circulars are published by the PNBS Independent Secretariat on the Scottish Government website.

Independent Chair: Chairs the PNBS to neutrally support and facilitate the process of negotiation and conciliation where required, discussion of issues and provision of guidance. The current Chair is Lisa Blackett.

Independent Secretariat: Primary contact for the PNBS, ensuring good governance in communication and processes of the PNBS. The current Secretariat is Scott McNeil.

Official Side: Members of the PNBS representing, and appointed by, the Scottish Police Authority (SPA), Scottish Ministers and the Chief Constable of the Police Service of Scotland.

Police Negotiating Board for Scotland (PNBS): PNBS is a Scottish public body which negotiates the pay, terms and conditions of police officers in Scotland.

PNBS Constitution: Published in May 2023, the Constitution of the Police Negotiating Board for Scotland is prepared by the Scottish Ministers in accordance with paragraph 5 of Schedule 2A of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012.

PNBS Guide: Sets out how the PNBS will operate including working practices and processes.

PNBS Meeting: Formal meeting of all PNBS members. Scheduled quarterly with an option to convene additional meetings if required.

PNBS Operations and Guide Review Group: A sub-group of the PNBS set up in November 2023 to review PNBS processes and procedures and explore opportunities for improvement.

Reporting period: The PNBS reports on the calendar year: 1 January - 31 December. For 2023, this started from 17 August when the PNBS was established.

Scottish Police Consultative Forum (SPCF): SPCF is a non-statutory body that can provide advice to Scottish ministers on general questions affecting police officers in Scotland, where members believe that wider discussion at the forum will help the efficiency and effectiveness of the Police Service of Scotland. SPCF also acts as the consultative body for statutory consultations on Police Regulations that are outwith the remit of the PNBS.

Side Secretariat/Secretaries: Representatives selected by the Official and Staff Sides to be the primary contact/negotiator.

Staff Side: Members of the PNBS representing, and appointed by, the Scottish Police Federation (SPF), Scottish Chief Police Officers Staff Association (SCPOSA) and the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS).

Technical Working Group (TWG): A sub-group of the PNBS comprised of PNBS members who agree to work together on the detail of terms and conditions on behalf of the PNBS before taking to their sides, and ultimately the PNBS, for approval.


ASPS: Association of Scottish Police Superintendents

HMICS: His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

PNB: Police Negotiating Board

PNBS: Police Negotiating Board for Scotland

SCPOSA: Scottish Chief Police Officers Staff Association

SPA: Scottish Police Authority

SPCF: Scottish Police Consultative Forum

SPF: Scottish Police Federation

TWG: Technical Working Group



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