Police Negotiating Board Scotland (PNBS): guide

Replaces the 2016 Police Negotiating Board (PNB) guide with an updated version.

2. Purpose and remit

The PNBS negotiates agreements on the terms and conditions of officers of Police Scotland. It considers matters affecting police constables (other than special constables) and police cadets, all in accordance with sections 55B(1) and 55C(1) of the 2012 Act:

a) pay, allowances and expenses

b) public holidays and leave

c) hours of duty

d) draft regulations

e) draft determinations

f) governance, administration and conditions of service

The PNBS, within its remit of police officers' pay, terms and conditions will undertake the following activities as and when required:


Of Claims (submitted by the Staff Side) or Proposals (submitted by the Official Side) to the PNBS.

Discussion of issues

Issues may be raised by any member through the Joint Secretariat (Official, Staff and Independent Secretariats). Discussion may occur at the PNBS or a subgroup thereof (i.e. Technical Working Group).


Interpretation of extant terms and conditions may be sought by a member through the Joint Secretariat. Clarification and guidance would then be provided by the PNBS.

The PNBS may have other functions as required by statute per the constitution.


Email: PNBS@gov.scot

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