Police Negotiating Board Scotland (PNBS): guide

Replaces the 2016 Police Negotiating Board (PNB) guide with an updated version.

4. Definitions

  • ACAS - Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service: Independent public body which offers independent conciliation and arbitrations services should they be required.
  • Circular: A circular sets out agreements between staff and official sides. Approved circulars are published by the PNBS Independent Secretariat.
  • Claim: A formal request from the Staff Side for changes to the current pay, terms and/or conditions of police officers.
  • Guidance/request for guidance: A request for interpretation or clarification of an existing regulation or determination within the remit of the PNBS.
  • Independent Chair: Chairs the PNBS to neutrally support and facilitate the process of negotiation and conciliation where required, discussion of issues and provision of guidance.
  • Independent Secretariat: Primary contact for the PNBS, ensuring good governance in communication and processes of the PNBS.
  • Issue: A topic which may come to the PNBS via either side or ministerial direction which is within the remit of pay, terms and conditions. It may include the details of an agreement or an ad hoc development.
  • Joint Secretariat: Led by the Official and StaffSide Secretaries (Independent Chair and Independent Secretariat if required). Side Secretaries may bring other members of their respective side as and when appropriate.
  • PNBS Constitution: Published May, 2023, the Constitution of the PNBS is prepared by the Scottish Ministers in accordance with paragraph 5 of Schedule 2A of the Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012.
  • PNBS Meeting: Refers to formal meeting of all PNBS members. Scheduled three times per year with an option to reduce or increase the number of meetings based on requirements.
  • Police Officer Handbook: The agreed guide to police officer conditions in Scotland to ensure a shared interpretation and consistent application of the negotiable conditions contained within the Police Service of Scotland Regulations, Determinations and supporting circulars.
  • Proposal: Official Side response to Staff Side Claimor initiation of offer.
  • Side Secretary: Representative selected by each side to be the primary contact/negotiator.
  • Technical Working Group (TWG): A standing sub-group of the PNBS comprised of PNBS members who agree to work together on the detail of issues / topics / guidance / claims / proposals on behalf of the PNBS.


Email: PNBS@gov.scot

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