Police Negotiating Board Scotland (PNBS): guide

Replaces the 2016 Police Negotiating Board (PNB) guide with an updated version.

5. Meetings

5.1 Format

Meeting formats should ensure that the PNBS works as effectively as possible whilst meeting the needs of all members and the remit of the board. Per the PNBS constitution, the Chair decides how meetings of the board will be conducted. However the preference is that the format serves the purpose of the board and is agreed by members and therefore is subject to change.

Official Side and Staff Side meetings are conducted as the respective Side sees fit.

5.2 Quorum

As set out in the PNBS constitution, the board must be quorate for agreements of the board to be made. To be quorate there must be 8 members present at a meeting, with at least 4 members from each of the Official Side and Staff Side. If a meeting of the board is found not to be quorate the Chair may either suspend the meeting or continue with the meeting, with any decisions of the board postponed to the next quorate board meeting.

5.3 Records

5.3.1 PNBS members

Records will be kept per request of Independent Chair for ongoing work.

5.3.2 Public

Public communications will be available on the Police Negotiation Board for Scotland website.


Email: PNBS@gov.scot

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