Police Negotiating Board Scotland (PNBS): guide

Replaces the 2016 Police Negotiating Board (PNB) guide with an updated version.

6. PNBS process flows

6.1 Formal claim or proposal

When the Staff Side wishes to submit a formal claim, or the Official Side offers a proposal, the process flow is as follows:

Process flow when Staff Side wishes to submit a formal claim, or the Official Side offers a proposal.

Key Notes

  • For formal claim/proposal, central point of engagement should be Joint Secretariat
  • Delegation to TWG should only take place when agreed via the Joint Secretariat
  • Updates from TWG should go via Joint Secretariat to PNBS
  • Attendance of the Independent Secretary and/or PNBS Independent Chair at Joint Secretariat meetings to be determined as required

6.2 Issue or request for guidance

When topics, issues, or requests for guidance come to the PNBS via either side or ministerial direction; or which is within the remit of pay, terms and conditions, the following process applies:

Topics, issues, or requests for guidance to PBNS

Key Notes

  • For issues/requests for guidance, there is no formal requirement to progress via Joint Secretariat in the first instance where determined that it is suitable for discussion at TWG
  • Joint Secretariat and PNBS will receive regular updates on issues/requests for guidance under discussion at TWG
  • Where TWG is unable to identify a solution, this should be escalated to the Joint Secretariat for resolution
  • Attendance of the Independent Secretary and/or PNBS Independent Chair at Joint Secretariat meetings as required
  • Unlike formal claims, agreements can be reached via TWG and reported directly to PNBS without the need for discussion via Joint Secretariat

6.3 Process following agreement

Once agreement is confirmed at PNBS, it is required to be in writing as follows:

Agreement process confirmed by PNBS

Key Notes

6.4 Process for conciliation and arbitration

While members of the PNBS will at all times strive to reach agreement on matters under consideration, and the Chair will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the board reaches agreement, there is a process for conciliation and arbitration if required. The following is a brief summary. Full details are in the PNBS constitution.

Process for Conciliation or Arbitration

Key Notes

  • Either the Official Side or the Staff Side may register Failure to Agree
  • There may be a maximum of two qualifying cases in any one reporting year. Only one case can be a claim other than the annual pay award
  • Where representations have been made to Scottish Ministers, Ministers must take all reasonable steps necessary to give an effect to those representations


Email: PNBS@gov.scot

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