
Police Officer Quarterly Strength Statistics Scotland, 30 June 2012

Statistics on numbers of police officers employed by Scottish police forces. Figures broken down by police force and deployment.

Police Officer Quarterly Strength Statistics Scotland, 30 June 2012

Scotland's Chief Statistician today published the latest quarterly figures on the number of police officers employed by Scottish forces. The main findings are:

  • There were 17,373 police officers (full-time equivalent) in Scotland on 30 June 2012.
  • This total comprises 16,784 police officers deployed in the eight Scottish police forces and 590 on secondment or central service.
  • This is an increase of 1,139 police officers (7.0%) from the position at 31 March 2007.
  • Police officer numbers have decreased by 63 full-time equivalent (FTE) officers in the last quarter from 31 March 2012 (0.4%). There has been an increase of 34 FTE officers in the last year from 30 June 2011 (0.2%).

Chart 1: Police Officer Strength in Scotland, 2006 - 2012

Chart 1: Police Officer Strength in Scotland, 2006 - 2012


Email: Neil Grant

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