
Police Scotland and Scottish Government meeting: August 2024

Minutes from the meeting between the Justice Secretary and the Chief Constable of Police Scotland on 20 August 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Angela Constance MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs
  • Jo Farrell, Chief Constable, Police Scotland
  • Jane Connors, Deputy Chief Constable, Police Scotland 
  • Penelope Cooper, Deputy Director, Police Division, Scottish Government
  • Lynsey McKean, Police Division, Scottish Government (note)

Items and actions

Update on far-right violence and disorder 

The Chief Constable provided the Cabinet Secretary with an update and general overview of the situation.  As public order events unfolded in England and Northern Ireland, Police Scotland were well prepared to deal with disorder that had the potential to transfer to Scotland. However this did not materialise. The Cabinet Secretary was reassured that Police Scotland have appropriate plans in place should disorder spread to Scotland. The Cabinet Secretary reiterated her support for Police Scotland's approach to the disorder and work with local communities to provide assurance and safeguard the public and communities. 

Police Scotland are now looking towards 7 September where some level of protest and counter-protest is expected. Police Scotland continue to monitor the situation, with good engagement with local groups and are appropriately prepared. 

The Chief Constable and the Cabinet Secretary spoke about issuing a statement from the First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary prior to 7 September around social cohesion, should this be considered beneficial. The Cabinet Secretary highlighted that the First Minister will be making a parliamentary statement during the first week in September and this may provide an opportunity to weave in such messaging. Officials agreed to take this forward.

Police officer numbers

The Cabinet Secretary discussed with the Chief Constable the reporting of officer numbers. Discussion focussed on improving the methodology to ensure consistency in the data and robust figures that can be used to provide accurate comparisons. The Chief Constable recognised the situation and spoke of her ambition to move to reporting on the same date every month in order to create consistency and the ability to compare like with like. The Cabinet Secretary acknowledged the value of this approach and spoke about the creation of a different way of reporting on officer numbers which would provide further consistency and explanations for fluctuations. The Cabinet Secretary underlined the commitment of the Scottish Government to continue to work with Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) on this matter.

Police pay negotiations

The Chief Constable spoke of her ambition to provide longer term stability and certainty for her workforce through current and forthcoming pay deals, dovetailing with Police Scotland’s work on the revised model of policing and the organisation’s 3-year business plan. The Cabinet Secretary welcomed this approach, emphasising the extremely challenging financial position across the whole of the public sector, particularly in light of the expected pressures on pay. The Cabinet Secretary indicated that this year’s pay offer should seek to include a progressive element in line with elsewhere in the public sector. 

Mental health and policing

The Cabinet Secretary reflected on the progress being made the through the Partnership Delivery Group (PDG) on mental health and policing. The Chief Constable welcomed the developments the group is taking forward. She spoke about the work taking place within Police Scotland through its mental health taskforce. The Chief Constable then spoke of her ambition to further expand existing good practice to national rollout, reflecting on an event to showcase the Lanarkshire model the previous week. 

Criminal justice system reform

Criminal justice stakeholders met on 14 August. The Chief Constable considered this meeting to be a step in the right direction, and where she considered partners could begin to move as a collective. The meeting focussed on the efficiency of court sittings. A follow up meeting is being convened to further progress the discussion. Officials will confirm the date of the next meeting and relay to the Chief Constable and the Cabinet Secretary.

Body worn video

The Chief Constable set out that the two delivery partners for the contract are working well. The next milestone is to conduct an overview of the infrastructure, which will inform the roll out of the technology, aligned to the DESC roll out across the country, and where further infrastructure is required to support delivery. Staff are being well supported and prepared for rollout through information sessions. The project is on track for rollout by the end of the financial year. An update will be provided to the SPA resources committee in December. 

Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) (Scotland) Bill (PECSS Bill)

The Chief Constable emphasised the importance of reforming the conduct regulations, underlining the need for a regulatory regime which promotes efficiency, agility and simplification. 

Emma Caldwell public inquiry

The Chief Constable provided an update on communications with an external police force to carry out a new criminal investigation into the original investigations following the murder of Emma Caldwell. Further details of the investigation cannot be confirmed until an agreement has been reached with the external force. The investigation is being undertaken by an external force to ensure structural separation. CC Farrell noted that Police Scotland will be required to cover the external force’s costs as well as a team to service the investigation and take statements.


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