
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: strategic environmental asessment

This initial strategic environmental report assesses the environmental impacts of the Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) policy.

6 Next Steps

6.1.1 The consultation on the Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines for HPMAs and the accompanying Environmental Report is now open and will close on 20 March 2023. Views and opinions on this Environmental Report, the draft Policy Framework, Site Selection Guidelines and other accompanying impact assessments (including Socio-economic, partial Business and Regulatory and partial Island Communities screening), are now invited.

6.1.2 As the location of HPMAs have not yet been identified, it is only possible to undertake an initial SEA at this stage involving a preliminary consideration of the type of impacts that could arise from the future designation of HPMAs and restriction/limitation placed on activities within HPMAs. Once sites have been selected and proposed for designation, it will be possible to undertake an updated SEA involving spatial analysis of specific potential sites and a more detailed assessment of the scale of potential environmental effects.

6.1.3 Please provide any comments on this environmental assessment in your responses to the consultation questionnaire, including any comments on general issues or cumulative effects.

6.1.4 Following the consultation period, the responses received will be analysed, and the findings from this analysis will be taken into account in the finalisation of the Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines.

6.1.5 A Post-Adoption SEA Statement will be prepared, reflecting the findings of the assessment and the views expressed in the consultation, and outlining how the issues raised have been considered.

6.1.6 Copies of the consultation documents and the Environmental Report are available for viewing during office hours at the Scottish Government library at Saughton House, Edinburgh (K Spur, Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 3XD).

6.1.7 Please send your response, with the completed Respondent Information Form, to:

By email to: or

By post to: MPA Management Consultation

Scottish Government

Marine Planning and Policy Division

Area 1-A South

Victoria Quay

Edinburgh EH6 6QQ

On line: Citizen Space

6.1.8 If you have any enquiries, please send them to



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