
Positive behaviour in the early years: research report

Report of research into perceptions of staff, service providers and parents in managing and promoting positive behaviour in early years and early primary settings.


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Additional Bibliography

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Dunlop, A-W. & Fabian, H. (2003) (eds) Transitions. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Themed Monograph Series, 1.

Dunlop, A.W. and Fabian, H. (eds) (2007) Informing Transitions: Bridging Research Policy and Practice. Berkshire: OUP/McGraw Hill

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Papatheodorou, T,. & Ramasut, A. (1994). The effects of Nursery School Environment on Teachers' Perceptions of Children's Behavioural Difficulties. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 2, 2, 63-78

Papatheodorou, T., & Ramasut, A. (1993). Teachers' Attitudes towards Children's Behaviour Problems in Nursery Classes in Greece. International Journal of Early Years Education 1, 3 , 35-47

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Thurman, S. K., Cornwell, J. & Gottwald, S. (1997). Contexts of early intervention: systems and settings. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes.

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