
Post-school education and skills reform legislation: consultation

We are consulting on proposals for legislation to change what public bodies do in the post-school system in order to simplify responsibilities for apprenticeships and student support.

Annex C: List of questions

Chapter 2. Simplifying responsibilities for apprenticeships and student support

1. Which of the three proposals do you prefer?

2. What do you think are the main advantages of your preferred proposal?

3. What do you think could be the biggest challenges with your preferred proposal?

4. Are there any other factors you think we should consider in making a decision?

Chapter 3. Governance of the Scottish Funding Council

5. Should the 2005 Act be amended to remove the restrictions in respect of Board appointments?

6. If SFC takes on responsibility for all apprenticeship funding, what additional skills, knowledge and experience should be considered for Board members?

7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for governance of the SFC Board or other aspects of SFC governance?

Chapter 4. Enhanced functions for the Scottish Funding Council

8. Do you think we need to introduce new duties on organisations receiving public funding to provide better information to SFC?

9. Do you think there is a need to strengthen existing systems and processes for collecting data? If your answer is yes, then please explain why the data is needed.

10. Do you think there is a need to strengthen existing systems and processes for reporting and publishing data? If your answer is yes, then please explain the purposes for which you or others might use the information.

11. What information about funded organisations would you most like to know and why?

12. What, if any, additional powers should SFC have in order to help ensure the post-school education and skills system operates effectively?



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