
Procurement - postal services framework: guidance

Guidance for public sector organisations on how to access and use the national framework.

Who can access: all public sector
Contract status: live
Dates of contract: 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2025
Category: corporate services - national 


National framework for the provision of postal services.

What is in scope

Lot 1: One Stop Shop for Physical, Hybrid, Scheduled/Regular Bulk (Print and Post) and Digital Mail Services

  • the collection of physical mail from all Scottish public sector organisations.  Next day collection and delivery service is available Scotland-wide with no geographical bias.  The solution provides a next day delivery to all UK addresses
  • a hybrid mail service that allows users to develop mail items on their desktop. Software allows them to issue the mail item via to a central production area whereby Royal Mail's fulfilment partners will produce the physical item. The items are produced in a secure manner and to an agreed format ensuring that the most optimum tariff available is achieved. The items are collected by Royal Mail and delivered via their final mile delivery service.  As well as cost savings, hybrid mail provide significant stationery, process and environmental benefits
  • scheduled/regular bulk mail (print and post). The production and delivery of scheduled/regular bulk mailings. This is achieved via the secure transfer of address and data files to an off-site mail production centre where the address/data files are used to create the mail item; the mail is then printed, sorted and passed for delivery to the final destination
  • digital e Communications including but not limited to SMS (text messaging) communications, E-mail communications, Secure web-based communications

Lot 2: Hybrid, Scheduled/Regular Bulk (Print and Post) and Digital Mail Services

This lot is for:

  • a hybrid mail service that allows users to develop mail items on their desktop. Software allows them to issue the mail item via to a central production area whereby Royal Mail's fulfilment partners will produce the physical item. The items are produced in a secure manner and to an agreed format ensuring that the most optimum tariff available is achieved. The items are collected by Royal Mail and delivered via their final mile delivery service.  As well as cost savings, hybrid mail provide significant stationery, process and environmental benefits
  • scheduled/regular bulk mail (print and post) . The production and delivery of scheduled/regular bulk mailings. This is achieved via the secure transfer of address and data files to an off-site mail production centre where the address/data files are used to create the mail item; the mail is then printed, sorted and passed for delivery to the final destination
  • digital e Communications including but not limited to SMS (text messaging) communications, E-mail communications, Secure web-based communications

What is out of scope

The framework does not include:

  • courier services
  • franking machines
  • document exchange

Who can use this

This framework can be used by:

  • central government
  • fire
  • health
  • local authorities
  • police
  • universities and colleges
  • third sector
  • other public bodies

Note: It is the responsibility of any buying organisation wishing to use the framework agreement to satisfy itself that it is eligible to do so.

Entitlement can be established from the terms of the OJEU advert and guidance on this can be found in  our guidance on framework agreements.  Postal Services framework agreement 2021 to 2025 available here.

If there is any doubt, legal advice should be sought.


Benefits of this framework include:

  • guaranteed discounted mail pricing for the duration of the framework agreement;
  • managed pricing models providing organisations with opportunities to improve framework pricing further by improving how they produce mail items;
  • consultancy service available to organisations, carrying out analysis of current mail methods and processes and will provide advice on infrastructure and processes in order to bring benefits and efficiencies to the organisation;
  • no minimum volumes for hybrid services;
  • a choice of suppliers for Hybrid, Scheduled and Digital Mail Services to suit public bodies individual requirements.


Lot 1: Royal Mail Group
Lot 2: Critiqom Ltd

Further information

See the attached buyer's guide for more information.

Information about pricing and terms and conditions for frameworks and contracts can be found on the Knowledge Hub.

If you are not registered to access this and are eligible to use the framework please complete the registration form and send it to one of the Scottish Procurement contacts listed below.

Postal services framework: buyers guide - November 2024


Paul Brydon
Senior Portfolio Specialist

Amy Smith
Procurement Portfolio Specialist

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