Potato exports guide

Information on the conditions and phytosanitary requirements for the export of Scottish potatoes, where known by country.


Seed potatoes (updated 16 July 2019)

Growing crop tolerances

Class tolerances apply. 

Tuber tolerances 

Minimum tolerances for seed export apply, except for: 

  • Gangrene (Phoma foveata): NIL
  • Bacterial soft rot/Blackleg (Pectobacterium spp.): 0%
  • Frost damage: 0%
  • Powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea): 0.20% of tubers may have 1 or 2 pustules per tuber
  • Black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani) : 5% of tubers may have 5% of surface area covered
  • Silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani): 5% (10% for class A) of tubers may have 33% of surface area covered

Other requirements:

  • import permit: required
  • Varieties: only varieties approved by the Algerian authorities can be imported unless it is for scientific or trial purposes
  • Varietal purity: consignments should be 99.99% pure
  • Size: tubers should be 30 - 55 mm of which 67% should be 35 - 45 mm. The number of tubers should be 700 - 800 per 50 kg. Up to 2% of tubers may fall outside the size or number range
    Sprouting: tubers should not be sprouted upon arrival. The presence of sprouts of up to 2 mm may be tolerated by exception
  • Greening: up to 3% of tubers may have more than 50% of surface affected with greening; up to 10% may have green spots.
  • Packaging: clean, good packaging material
  • Certificates: a GMO certificate should be added to the Phytosanitary Certificate

Procedures on arrival

The Algerian authorities may strictly apply the rules on tuber size and number, and reject consignments that do not comply.

Laboratory tests

Routine laboratory and growing-on tests are carried out for viruses, applying the following tolerances:

  • For SE:          1% virus of which 0.5% PVY and PLRV
  • For E:             2% virus of which 1% PVY and PLRV
  • For A:             5% virus of which 2% PVY and PLRV

Associated regulations and legislation

Arrêté du 17 Safar 1425 (7 April 2004) modificant et complétant l'Arrêté du 21 Dhou El Hidja 1415 (21 May 1995) fixant les normes phytotechniques et phytosanitaires à l'importation des semences et plants des espèces maraîchères, arboricoles, viticoles et des grandes cultures

Arrêté du 3 Joumanda El Oula 1423 (14 July 2002) fixant la liste des espèces végétales soumises à une authorisation technique préalable d'importation et les prescriptions phytosanitaires spécifiques

Décret exécutif No. 95-387 du 5 Rajab 1416 (28 November 1995) fixant la liste des ennemis des végétaux et les mesures de surveillance et de lutte qui leur sont applicables

Décret exécutif No. 93-286 du 9 Joumanda Ethania 1414 (23 November 1993) réglementant le contrôle phytosanitaire aux frontiers

Loi No. 87-17 (1 August 1987) relative à la protection phytosanitaire

Last checked for changes: September 2009 

Additional declarations to be inserted on the reverse of the phytosanitary certificate for seed potatoes

  1. The potatoes in the consignment described overleaf are believed to be free from Ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), Brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum), Gangrene (Phoma foveata), Black potato blight (Phoma andina), Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum), Potato tuber nematode (Ditylenchus destructor), Potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida), Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), Potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella), Potato yellow dwarf virus, Potato yellow vein virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, Tomato spotted wilt virus and non-European potato viruses on the basis of Declarations 2 to 6 below. 
    Les pommes de terre de semences sont estimées indemnes de pouriturre annulaire (Clavibacter michiganiensis ssp. sepedonicus), pourriture brune (Ralstonia solanacearum), gangrène (Phoma foveata), black potato blight (Phoma andina), galle verruqueuse (Synchytrium endobioticum), maladie vermiculaire (Ditylenchus destructor), nématodes dorées (Globodera rostochiensis et G. pallida), doryphore (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), teigne de la pomme de terre (Phthorimaea operculella), Potato yellow dwarf virus, Potato yellow vein virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, Tomato spotted wilt virus, et virus non-européens de pomme de terre sur la base des déclarations 2 à 6 ci-dessous.
  2. Ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), Brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum), Black potato blight (Phoma andina), Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), Potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella), Potato yellow dwarf virus, Potato yellow vein virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, Tomato spotted wilt virus and non-European potato viruses are not known to occur in Scotland. 
    Pouriturre annulaire (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), pourriture brune (Ralstonia solanacearum), , Black potato blight (Phoma andina), doryphore (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), teigne de la pomme de terre (Phthorimaea operculella), Potato yellow dwarf virus, Potato yellow vein virus, Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, Tomato spotted wilt virus et virus non-européens de pomme de terre sont inconnus en Écosse.
  3. These potatoes have been grown on a farm on which Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) is not known to exist.
    Ces semences de pomme de terre ont été cultivées sur un terrain qui n'a jamais été atteint par la galle verruqueuse (Synchytrium endobioticum).
  4.  Samples of soil from the land on which these potatoes were grown were drawn and tested prior to planting by the official services and no trace was found of Potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida).
    Avant la plantation, des échantillons de terre des terrains où les semences de pomme de terre ont été cultivées, ont été prélevés et examinés par les services officiels et nulle trace des nématodes dorées (Globodera rostochiensis et G. pallida) n'a été trouvée.
  5. Potato tuber nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) has never been recorded in commercial stocks of potatoes grown in Scotland.
    Maladie vermiculaire de la pomme de terre (Ditylenchus destructor) n'a été jamais trouvé en des pommes de terre commerciales cultivées en Écosse.
  6. At visual inspection in Scotland, samples of the potatoes were found to be free from Gangrene (Phoma foveata).
    Au cours des inspections visuelles en Écosse, les échantillons de semences de pomme de terre ont été trouvés exempts du phoma (Phoma foveata).


Ware potatoes

Wart disease

Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) must never have been found in the field in which the potatoes were grown.

Potato Cyst Nematodes (PCN)

The field in which the potatoes were grown must have been tested for the presence of Potato Cyst Nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) pre-planting or where this has not been carried out lot freedom from PCN using a consignment test must be demonstrated (PCN testing for export applies). There will be a charge for these tests.

Tuber tolerances

Minimum tolerances for ware export apply, except for:

  • Gangrene (Phoma foveata): NIL
  • Adhering (caked) soil: NIL 

Other requirements

  • Import permit: required
  • Packaging: clean, good packaging material. Containers should be labelled with 'Ware potatoes' 

Additional declarations to be inserted on the reverse of the Phytosanitary Certificate for Ware Potatoes

1. The potatoes in the consignment described overleaf are believed to be free from Ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), Potato tuber nematode (Ditylenchus destructor), Potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida), Gangrene (Phoma foveata), Potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella), Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, Brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum), Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum), Tomato spotted wilt virus and Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), on the basis of Declarations 2 to 6 below.

Les pommes de terre sont estimées indemnes de pourriture annulaire (Clavibacter michiganiensis ssp. sepedonicus), Ditylenchus destructor, nématodes dorées (Globodera rostochiensis et G. pallida), phoma (Phoma foveata ), teigne de la pomme de terre (Phthorimaea operculella) , Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, pourriture brune  Ralstonia solanacearum), galle verruqueuse (Synchytrium endobioticum), Tomato spotted wilt virus, et doryphore (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) sur la base des déclarations 2 à 6 ci-dessous.

2. Ring rot (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), Potato tuber moth (Phthorimaea operculella), Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, Brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum), Tomato spotted wilt virus and Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) are not known to occur in Scotland.

Pourriture annulaire (Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus), teigne de la pomme de terre (Phthorimaea operculella) , Potato spindle tuber viroid, Potato stolbur phytoplasma, pourriture brune (Ralstonia solanacearum), Tomato spotted wilt virus, et doryphore ( Leptinotarsa decemlineata) sont inconnus en Écosse.

 3. These potatoes have been grown on a farm on which Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) is not known to exist.

Ces pommes de terre ont été cultivées sur un terrain qui n'a jamais été atteint par la galle verruqueuse (Synchytrium endobioticum).

4. Samples of soil from the land on which these potatoes were grown were drawn and tested prior to planting by the official services and no trace was found of Potato Cyst Nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) or lot freedom from PCN has been demonstrated by consignment test.

Avant la plantation, des échantillons de terre des terrains où les pommes de terre ont été cultivées, ont été prélevés et examinés par les services officiels et nulle trace des nématodes dorées (Globodera rostochiensis et G. pallida) n'a été trouvée ou la liberté de PCN a été démontrée par un test envoi.

5. Potato tuber nematode (Ditylenchus destructor) has never been recorded in commercial stocks of potatoes grown in Scotland.

Nématode de la pomme de terre (Ditylenchus destructor) n'a été jamais trouvé en des pommes de terre commerciales cultivées en Écosse.

 6. At visual inspection in Scotland, samples of the potatoes were found to be free from Gangrene (Phoma foveata).

Au cours des inspections visuelles en Écosse, les échantillons de pommes de terre ont été trouvés exempts du phoma (Phoma foveata).

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