
Red meat exports: potential administrative costs of trade under WTO rules

This research investigated what the costs will be incurred by Scotland’s red meat export sector when dealing with the EU under World Trade Organisation regulations.


An errata was published on Thursday 3rd October 2019 as a result of changes on PDF page 4 to paragraph 5. The changes were to provide clarity around the subject of the paragraph and do not change the associated findings. The HTML and PDF have been updated to reflect these changes.

ISBN 978-1-83960-213-9
ISSN 2045-6964
PPDAS 642822

This document is also available in pdf format (1MB)


Executive Summary.

1. Introduction.
1.1 Background.
1.2 The Study.

2. Supply Chain to the EU – Current
2.1 Adminstration and Processes.
2.2 Non-EU Countries – Current WTO Third Country to EU Deals.
2.2.1 New Zealand.
2.2.2 USA.

3. Administration and Processes – Post-Brexit
3.1 Summary of Key Issues for Industry.
3.2 Additional Non-Tariff Costs.

4. Supply Chain Routes and Timings.
4.1 Current situation.
4.2 Supply Chain Routes and Timings – Post-Brexit
4.3 Other European Border Crossing Timing Examples.

5. Processor and Supply Chain Feedback.
5.1 Processor Feedback.
5.2 Stakeholder Feedback Risks, Solutions and Market Opportunities.

6. Summary.

Appendix 1: Project Consultee List

Appendix 2: Interview Questions.

Appendix 3: Example of a Commercial Document (Invoice)

Appendix 4: Scottish Red Meat Industry Exports.

Appendix 5: EU Border Inspection Posts.

Appendix 6: Sea Crossings Between the UK and Europe.

Appendix 7: Beef and Lamb Imports & Tariffs.

Appendix 8: Acronyms.



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