
Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2011/12

Statistics on the percentage and number of children, working age adults and pensioners living in low income households in Scotland, and the distribution of household income across Scotland.

Table A7: Equivalised weekly household income (BHC) in Scotland: 1994/95 to 2011/12 (2011/12 prices)

Scottish 1st income decile Scottish 2nd income decile Scottish 3rd income decile Scottish 4th income decile Scottish 5th income decile Scottish 6th income decile Scottish 7th income decile Scottish 8th income decile Scottish 9th income decile
94/95 175 211 254 304 352 412 467 561 681
95/96 181 216 253 303 350 400 468 551 687
96/97 181 217 260 306 362 418 479 568 697
97/98 185 227 271 319 376 428 499 587 737
98/99 189 232 277 329 378 432 510 594 752
99/00 194 234 280 329 390 448 518 620 774
00/01 201 242 289 338 396 447 518 617 774
01/02 215 259 308 359 414 474 542 634 838
02/03 207 261 310 364 418 479 552 641 809
03/04 218 272 331 387 437 496 568 664 808
04/05 224 281 332 383 441 501 575 676 820
05/06 223 279 334 388 441 504 577 683 848
06/07 230 283 331 388 438 503 578 680 848
07/08 223 286 338 389 447 512 586 699 881
08/09 225 288 340 393 454 523 599 706 892
09/10 231 290 346 407 461 526 606 702 893
10/11 234 291 339 388 437 500 571 665 827
11/12 233 290 333 381 436 493 566 654 813

Source: HBAI dataset, DWP.


Email: Stephen Smith

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