
The Poverty and Inequality Commission: form, remit and appointments

A paper from the Scottish Government setting out the form and remit of the Commission, and appointments made to date.

Our vision

As set out in the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, the Scottish Government will establish a Poverty and Inequality Commission. Our vision is for an inclusive and engaged Commission that provides both challenge and accountability.

The Commission will offer independent advice to Ministers, provide scrutiny to help bring about real reductions in poverty and inequality in Scotland, and be involved in the development of the first delivery plan required under the Child Poverty (Scotland) Bill.

The Commission will be:

  • Independent. It will have an independent Chair, who will determine the work programme of the Commission, appoint the Commissioners, and provide free and frank advice to Ministers on how best to reduce poverty and inequality.
  • Expert. It will be an expert panel, made up of members who have a broad and deep understanding of the issues, including those who have direct experience of living in poverty. It will be able to commission additional research as it sees fit.
  • Connected. It will work closely with the Ministerial team and officials, advising on policy and ensuring work across government leads towards the same goal.
  • Collaborative. It will take a partnership approach to working with key stakeholders and be available to discuss its activities with relevant Scottish Parliament committees.
  • Challenging. It will have a key role in challenging Ministers and other key players to make progress in tackling poverty and inequality.
  • Inclusive and engaged. It will seek to involve all of society in its discussions, taking different opinions into account and reaching out to under-represented and disadvantaged groups.
  • Open and transparent. It will be open to learning from experience locally, nationally and internationally and will transparently and proactively share its findings across wider society, even when this challenges the views and interests of government and stakeholders. All publications will be made available via a dedicated Commission web presence.


Email: Andrew Fraser,

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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