
Poverty in Perspective: a typology of poverty in Scotland

Sets out 13 different ‘types’ of poverty across three life stages: families with children, working age households without children, and pensioner households.


1. The characteristic of the highest income householder.

2. Two indicators were dropped from the LCA analysis as they did not discriminate across classes; i) whether the accommodation has condensation, and, ii) if the household is less than 30 minutes' walk from the nearest green space.

3. For example, overcrowding, and being behind with housing payments, were dropped for the older age life stage - mainly as the prevalence of these indicators was very low.

4. See Annex B for further information on the Latent Class Analysis applied in this study.

5. See Annex B, Tables B.7- B.9 for the breakdown of the poverty types by all poverty indicators and socio-demographic characteristics.

6. A useful discussion of some of the considerations involved, which also outlines the alternatives to the approach we adopted, can be found in Vermunt (2010).

7. Not having any savings, having difficulties paying rent/mortgage in the last year, not having internet access at home, living in a home that is never warm or has a serious heating problem.


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