
Fire safety guidance for existing premises with sleeping accommodation

Advice consolidating and superseding a number of existing fire safety guides.

Annex 3

Holiday Camping and Caravan Sites


51. Subject to the variations listed below, the distance between any two units should generally be not less than 6 m for permanent residential sites and touring sites, and 5 m for holiday caravan sites.

52. The 6 m distance between units may be reduced where caravan construction is inherently fire-resistant. Under such circumstances, the distance may be reduced to 5 m. Where there is a mix of fire-resistant and non fire-resistant construction, the larger separation distances apply.

53. The distance from any part of a tent or caravan to any site road should be not less than 2 m, and not less than 3 m from any site boundary.

54. Variations of spacing requirements (Measurement is taken from the exterior cladding, excluding any tow bar):

  • Porches may protrude 1 m into the 6 m and should be open type construction
  • Where awnings are used, the distance between any part of the awning and an adjoining caravan should be not less than 3 m. They should not incorporate sleeping accommodation and should not face each other or touch
  • Eaves, drainpipes and bay windows may extend into the 6 m space provided the total distance between the extremities of two adjacent units is not less than 5.25 m
  • If there are ramps for disabled persons, verandas or stairs extending from the unit, there should be 4.5 m clear space between them and two such items should not face each other in any space. If they are enclosed, they should normally be considered as part of the unit and, as such, should not intrude at all into the 6 m space
  • A garage, shed or covered space can be sited between units if it is of non-combustible construction and space is maintained around each unit so not to prejudice means of escape in case of fire. Any windows in such structures should not face towards the units on either side. Car ports and covered walkways should not be allowed within the 6 m space.

Car parking

55. One car only should be permitted to park between adjoining units subject to the entrance to the unit not being obstructed. Plastic or wooden boats should not be kept between units.

Fire prevention

56. To avoid the potential for a fire in combustible waste materials, purpose designed containers should be used and regular removal of waste should take place.

57. Grass and other vegetation should be cut at frequent intervals to prevent fire.

58. Spaces below caravans should not be used for combustible materials storage.

59. General guidance on the use and storage of liquefied petroleum gas ( LPG) can be found in Chapter 5.

60. Open fires should be prohibited on site.

61. The use of barbecue facilities should be controlled and ideally restricted to purpose designed areas within the site, and remote from units.

Fire points

62. Fire points should be established so that no unit or site building is more than 30 m from a fire point. Fire points should be housed in a weather proof structure easily accessible, and conspicuously marked “FIRE POINT”.

63. If there is a water supply of sufficient pressure and flow to project a jet of water about 6 m from the nozzle, and with a flow of at least 30 litres/minute, water standpipes should be provided at each fire point along with a reel that complies with British Standard 5306: Part 1, with a hose not less than 30 m long, connected to the water standpipe and terminating in a small hand control nozzle. Hoses should be housed in a red box marked “HOSE REEL”.

64. If standpipes are not provided, or the water pressure or flow is not sufficient, each fire point should be provided with two 9 litre water extinguishers.

Fire warning

65. A means of raising an alarm of fire on the site should be provided at each fire point. This could be a battery or mains powered alarm or a manually operated sounder such as a gong or siren. Smoke alarms should be installed in each unit. A means of calling the Fire and Rescue Service, should be available on the site.

Fire notices and fire procedures

66. A conspicuous notice should be provided at each fire point to indicate the action to be taken in the event of fire. Unit occupiers should be aware of the emergency fire action plan.


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