
Criminal exploitation: practitioner guidance

Guidance to support a shared understanding of criminal exploitation to help assist with early identification of those at risk from serious organised crime. This guidance also applies to criminal exploitation which is not linked to serious organised crime.

9. The Legislation and policy context of Criminal Exploitation in Scotland

42. There is a range of legislation and policy in Scotland which aims to protect victims of criminal exploitation.

43. The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 is a key piece of legislation to consider when responding to those who have been criminally exploited. Instructions have been published by the Lord Advocate, as required by section 8 of the 2015 Act. These instructions cover any situation where a person is reported to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) for a criminal offence where there is credible and reliable information that exploitation or trafficking has led to the individual committing the offence. The instructions referred to in part 2 detail the circumstances in which there is a strong presumption against prosecution for both children and adults.

44. Working alongside the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act 2015 is the Fourth Annual Progress Report 2020 – 2021 which was published in 2022, the intention is to publish the Fifth Annual Progress Report in Spring/Summer 2023. The main action areas of the strategy are:

1. Identifying and supporting victims to safety and recovery;

2. Identifying perpetrators and disrupting their activity; and

3. Addressing the conditions, both local and global, that foster trafficking and exploitation.



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