Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: November 2022 - easy read
Easy read version of the minutes of the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel Meeting held on 18 November 2022 which relates to the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR) of social care.
Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel Meeting - Minutes of meeting - 18/11/2022 - Easy Read
A practitioner is a member of staff.
A stakeholder is someone from an organisation or group that supports our work.
Who was at the meeting?
Stuart Currie - Chair of the Meeting and Vice Chair of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care in Scotland (IRISR).
In the rest of this document this will be called ‘the review’.
Staff and members from:
- Adoption UK
- Carer Centres Managers Network
- Care Home Relatives Group
- Coalition of Carers in Scotland
- Coalition of Care and Support Providers (CCPS)
- Community Justice Scotland
- People Led Policy Panel
- The Promise Scotland
- Queens Nursing Institute Scotland
- The Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance Network
- Shelter Scotland
Scottish Government personnel and secretariat
A secretariat is an admin team that gives support with meetings
- Kerry Brooks
- Arlene Crockett
- Laura Ferguson
- Daniel Nagy
Who could not come to the meeting?
Staff and members from:
- Early Years Scotland (EYS)
- National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Scotland
- The Royal College of Nursing Scotland (RCN)
- Social Work Scotland
- Scottish Association of Social Work
- Scottish Childminding Association
- Scottish Care
Agenda item
Discuss actions from last meeting
These actions have been done:
- the presentation has been shared with Panel Members
- the Terms of Reference have been updated
- someone from the Commissioner of Children and Young People has been invited
Stuart said a meeting of the 2 Panels will happen when the agency that looks at the results from the stakeholder engagement tell us what they have found out.
Engagement means working with people to find out:
- what they think of something
- what ideas they have
Work is happening to get information on legal advice and expenses.
An action is what will happen.
- Panel Members will get information about legal advice and expenses in the future
A Panel Member asked about the Equality Impact Assessment and how it looks at online services.
Equality Impact Assessments are ways to make sure the way people work, and work policies treat everyone fairly and equally.
Many councils, GP practices and care homes now use online ways of working.
Transitions in Care was also talked about.
This is the way someone moves services between home, hospital or care setting.
The secretariat will contact the panel member to discuss changes to Equality Impact Assessments.
They will make sure it includes online ways of working.
Update on stakeholder engagement programme
Stuart talked about the events that have taken place so far.
Stuart encouraged members to share the link for the call for evidence which also gives details of the virtual events that are still to take place and how to register.
A call for evidence is a way to ask people and organisations to give information to tell us what they think.
A member of the secretariat told the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel (the Panel) what other groups have been contacted, and what events are planned.
Some Panel Members asked if there could be more time for stakeholder engagement.
Stuart said that the timing of when things are happening in the review cannot be changed.
The secretariat will look at ways to be flexible and supportive to the people we work with.
A member of the Panel asked if the Call for Evidence could be until 13 January 2023.
The secretariat will discuss this with Stuart and tell panel members what is decided.
Proposal for each panel meeting to have a focus on one of the ‘call for evidence’ themes.
The first theme will be ‘A person-centred approach’
Person Centred care puts people and their families at the centre of decisions.
It sees people and their families as experts, working with staff.
Stuart suggested that the Panel should look at 1 of the 5 themes from the Call for Evidence at each meeting.
The Independent Review Panel is doing this.
Panel Members agreed.
The Panel talked about ‘A Person Centred Approach’.
The Panel will get information for each of the 5 key themes.
The Panel also talked about why these things were important:
- self-evaluation – checking how we work
- feedback – finding out what people think
It is important to get:
- feedback from people with lived experience - in this case - people who have had social care services
- good quality feedback
- a good amount of feedback
- to include culture in the review
Culture is what an organisation believes in and how it works.
- partnership working – working with other people and organisations
Action Point
The secretariat will make sure future meetings include the 5 themes.
Anything else we need to talk about?
Minutes from the last meeting were agreed by the Panel Members.
Questions left in MST chat
A Panel Member asked for more information about laws.
They asked about a section from the draft Equality Impact Assessment about laws.
The secretariat will look into this.
They will give information at the next Panel meeting.
Copyright images © Photosymbols. Prepared by Disability Equality Scotland
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