Financial redress for historical child abuse: consultation summary

This consultation seeks views on the detailed design of a statutory financial redress scheme in Scotland, scheme administration issues, and views on financial redress as part of a package of wider reparations for survivors of historical child abuse in care.

How to take part in this consultation

This is a summary of the key issues we would like to hear your views about.  The issues are described in more detail in the full consultation paper.  We want to hear what you think.  There are three ways you can take part:

  • Where possible, we prefer that you take part using the Scottish Government’s online consultation platform, Citizen Space.  This consultation can be found at:  You can save as you go along and return to the questions as many times as you wish.  There are a lot of questions.  You can choose if you want to answer some or all of them.
  • If you would prefer to respond by post or email, you can use the Respondent Information Form which has a list of all the questions. Again you can choose to answer some or all of the questions.  You can download the form using the link above.  If you wish we can send you a paper copy by post for you to fill in, along with a prepaid envelope.  
  • Or you can write to us with your own general comments. If you are doing this you will also need to give us all the information in the ‘About You’ section of the Respondent Information Form.

Our contact details are given below.  Please get in touch if you have any questions or if anything is unclear.

Redress and Survivor Relations Division
Scottish Government
2A South, Victoria Quay
EH6 6QQ 
tel: 0300 244 2242



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