
Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

This is the first Scottish Strategy which focuses on pregnancy and parenthood in young people.

Appendix B: Overview of Actions

Action number



Strand 1: Strong Leadership and accountability

Links to short term outcome: Improve understanding of the need of young people


Local needs assessments for young people should be reviewed and updated to reflect the actions in the strategy.

Community Planning Partnerships


A national training resource produced on the evidence around young people at risk of pregnancy, linking with wider issues and practical actions for supporting young people.

Scottish Government


A National Lead will be appointed to provide national leadership and to help drive implementation of the Strategy.

Scottish Government


Assign an accountable person to provide leadership and coordination for the Strategy.

Community Planning Partnerships


Action plans are in place to address the outcomes of the needs assessment and pathways in place that take account of data collecting protocols and data sharing practices.

Community Planning Partnerships


Assess and commission further research around particular groups of young parents (such as young fathers, young parents with disabilities and young parents who have been in the care system) to examine in more detail what support they may require.

Scottish Government

Strand 2: Giving young people more control

Links to short term outcome: Young people have a better understanding of what healthy, safe, consensual and equal relationships are


Develop key messaging to promote understanding of consent and healthy relationships in young people.

Scottish Government


Demonstrate partnership working to disseminate the Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) education guidance locally.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards

Parents and carers


Demonstrate how young people are aware of their rights and how they are acting on them.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards

Links to short term outcome: Young people have increased knowledge of nurture, attachment, preconception and parenthood


Implement a collaborative approach to preparation for future parenthood including an understanding of the parents' impact on child's development.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards

Links to short term outcome: Young people have increased knowledge and skills around contraception and sexual negotiation


Develop appropriate and integrated routes into health and social agencies to respond to the health and social care needs of young people.

Community Planning Partnerships


Provide young people with clear signposting to services. Service responses are in line with the user group, reviewed on a regular basis and additional steps are being taken to reach out to non-attenders.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards


Determine the appropriate provision of contraceptive services out with the health environment, dependent on the needs of the local population.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards

Link to short term outcome: Improved attitudes to and experience of education


Early educational interventions for young people are delivered in all settings and are proportionate to need.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards

Strand 3: Pregnancy in young people

Link to short term outcome: Young people make early and informed choices following conception


Information on pregnancy should be available in places frequented by young people and should consider the needs and concerns of young people, particularly concerns around confidentiality.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards


Accurate and up to date information on pregnancy and local services is made available on local sexual health websites and other websites aimed at young people.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards


Determine where delays into services have occurred, what barriers exist and feed into local information provision and referral pathways.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards


Young people are involved in assessing the appropriateness of the pathway (at key transition points) to their experiences and needs.

Community Planning Partnerships


All abortion services to offer and, where appropriate, provide effective contraception and counselling post abortion.

NHS Boards


Demonstrate how young parents are given information on and are able to access, antenatal classes and support groups locally.

NHS Boards

Third Sector


A guide for midwives, doctors, maternity support workers and receptionists will be developed in collaboration with the NHS and young parents based on the Public Health England guide 'Getting maternity services right for pregnant teenagers and young fathers'.

NHS Boards

Parenthood in young people

Link to short term outcome: Young parents have increased knowledge about local services and are confident using them


Ensure everyone working with young parents communicate effectively, across multiple services, putting the young parent(s) and their needs at the centre.

Community Planning Partnerships


Use local data to understand local population and ensure the provision of local services are relevant to the needs of young parents.

Community Planning Partnerships


Understand more comprehensively the factors that may have influenced a rapid subsequent birth.

NHS Boards


Ensure all pregnant women aged under 20 are consulted about their contraception preferences antenatally and that these preferences are provided in the post-natal period.

NHS Boards


Local data is used to map if young parents have the health and support they need to ensure relevant and secure housing appropriate to their need.

Community Planning Partnerships


Agencies (national and local) webpages aimed at young people or young parents have information on support for young parents around social and health needs.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards


Develop a resource for young parents which provides up to date information and support on accessing welfare and includes help and support to understand their housing rights.

Scottish Government

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards

Link to short term outcome: Young parents are supported to stay in education, training or employment


Assess that all young parents' choice to continue in education is supported and in an appropriate education setting.

Community Planning Partnerships


Local Authorities should develop guidance for schools to ensure that support and planning processes are in place to allow young people who become pregnant to remain in their own school.

Local Authorities


Educational and training agencies can demonstrate acknowledgement of the impact of parenting and support flexible childcare for young parents staying in education, training and employment.

Local Authorities

Third Sector

NHS Boards


Email: Ruth Johnston

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