
Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy

This is the first Scottish Strategy which focuses on pregnancy and parenthood in young people.

About this Strategy

A collaborative approach was used to develop this Strategy through an outcomes framework, in order to target the areas where specific actions are need based on evidence of the current landscape. The PPYP outcomes framework[34] was created to support and inform policy makers, planners, evaluators and researchers whose work involves, or is linked to, pregnancy and parenthood in young people. The aim of supporting policy development in this way is to help make it more systematic, explicit and targeted. Having clear outcomes will help with the monitoring of the Strategy's progress at both national and local levels.

As part of the outcomes framework a strategic logic model was produced (appendix A), along with detailed logic models for each strand. The following sections of this Strategy cover each of the four strands from the logic model, with key actions highlighted in each strand. These are:

A summary of the actions from each section are included at the end of each chapter, and all actions are summarised in appendix B.


Email: Ruth Johnston

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