Bullying and harassment: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy is not in use after 1 March 2020. Policies in force after 1 March 2020 are on https://workforce.nhs.scot/policies

Appendix 4 Policy checklist

Use this checklist to help ensure your organisation's bullying and harassment policy contains these essential elements.

1 Core strategy elements

  • Acceptance that bullying and harassment are organisational issues;
  • Measures to assess and prevent bullying and harassment;
  • Information and training about the bullying and harassment policy;
  • Development of an organisational-specific 'Code of Conduct';
  • Access to confidential support (Confidential Contact);
  • Access to professional counselling services;
  • Provision for monitoring and reviewing the policy/procedure;
  • Communication of the legal framework; and
  • Access to facilitated discussion.

2 Key policy and procedure elements

  • Commitment from senior management;
  • Statement that bullying and harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated;
  • Clear definitions of unacceptable behaviour;
  • Statement that bullying and harassment will be treated as a disciplinary offence;
  • Responsibilities of employees and managers;
  • Confidentiality provisions within the process;
  • Informal stage (incorporating processes for mediation and facilitated meetings);
  • Jointly developed and agreed with staff and staff-side representatives;
  • Applicable to all staff; and
  • Incorporates bullying and harassment by clients, patients, relatives, contractors, advocates, agency staff and staff from other agencies.
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