
Preventing offending: getting it right for children and young people

Our Youth Justice strategy for Scotland, for 2015 to 2020.

Implementation - Next steps

As part of the Youth Justice strategy refresh, arrangements to support youth justice at a national level have also been reviewed. The focus has been ensuring that there are strategic arrangements which enable partners to support and drive implementation in the context of wider programme, planning and policy landscape.

A Youth Justice Improvement Board will be established which will comprise 10-15 members, plus associate members as required based on the focus of the work programme and agenda of meetings.

Working groups will be set up as agreed by the Improvement Board and it is anticipated that these will be aligned to the three priority themes:

Advancing the Whole System Approach
Improving Life Chances
Developing Capacity and Improvement

The dedicated groups to support priorities will have a chair from the Improvement Board, an agreed life span, with terms of reference, membership, outcomes and expected impact.

It is expected that priorities identified by existing Champions Groups on EEI; Reintegration and Transitions; Vulnerable Girls and Young Women; and Managing High Risk will form part of a framework for action overseen by the Improvement Board, with a strong delivery focus through the themed groups. While there will be flexibility for dedicated groups to be retained, the expectation is that 3 groups will provide a clear focus and ensure that cross-cutting themes are supported on a strategic basis.

Subject to agreement from the Improvement Board, the Advancing Whole System Approach Group will include EEI and Managing High Risk. The Improving Life Chances Working Group will include a focus on reintegration and transitions and vulnerable girls and young women within its remit. The Developing Capacity Group will have oversight of priorities for training and workforce development as well as performance and improvement in youth justice.

As part of the work overseen by the Improvement Board, consideration will be given to arrangements to support national and local partners. Ensuring young people are heard, will also be a priority. The Improvement Board will also have strong links to the Children's Hearings Improvement Partnership ( CHIP).

The Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice ( CYCJ) has been a key partner in developing this strategy and will support implementation with partners.

Partnership working has been a crucial element of success in preventing offending and will remain integral to the delivery of this strategy. Leadership and sustained commitment from all partners will help achieve our vision for children and young people.


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