
Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland: A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight

Scotland's obesity strategy.


9.1 We will establish a joint governmental leadership group, including Ministers, COSLA leaders and key stakeholders including the NHS and the public health community, to be the visible focus of the Route Map, to ensure its implementation by holding decision makers to account. This group will:

  • Oversee the development during 2010 of an action plan and identification of key milestones to support delivery of the Route Map
  • Periodically, reflect on progress against key milestones and targets and consider whether decisions being taken at both local and national level are sufficient to ensure progress
  • Provide governance of the integrated research strategy to ensure that emerging evidence and external developments (such as European policy or food pricing policies) are incorporated into reviews of the Route Map
  • Oversee and publish in 2013 a report of the progress and actions taken towards the policy direction set out in this Route Map

9.2 In addition, we will fund a national event during 2010 to be organised by the Scottish Public Health Network to allow stakeholders from all sectors an opportunity to be involved in helping shape actions that come out of the policies identified in this Route Map.

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