
Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland: A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight

Scotland's obesity strategy.

APPENDIX 6: CURRENT EXPENDITURE RELATING TO PREVENTION OF OBESITY (excludes local authority spend) Expenditure in millions 2008/11

Health & Wellbeing


Economy (includes transport)


Justice & Communities (includes housing)

NDPBs / delivery agencies

Initiatives directly related to prevention of obesity

Tackling Obesity ( HEAT target, Healthy child weight intervention programmes, Healthy weight community projects, Counterweight) £15m

NHS Health Scotland ( HEAL support) £1.4m

Initiatives which indirectly relate to obesity prevention*

Maternal and Infant Nutrition £19m
Breastfeeding £0.60m
Physical activity (YDance, Play@home etc) £12m
Other nutrition (healthyliving programme and awards) £10m
Take Life on campaign £1.5m
Healthy Living Centres £1.3m
Healthy Working Lives £1.7m
Alcohol initiatives £2.5m
Keep Well & anticipatory care £33m
Quality and Outcome Framework ( QOF) - local BMI Register £1.1m

Active Schools Programme £36m
Curriculum for Excellence £0.27m
PE in schools development £0.03m
Go Play Fund £4m
Playtalkread (advertising campaign) £0.5m

Active travel £24m
Smarter Choices, Smarter Places £8.5m

Climate challenge fund £27.4m
Scottish Sustainable Communities Initiative £0.15m
Greenspace Scotland £0.45m
Environmental volunteering £0.57m
RERAD - health related research programmes £9.2m Grants to healthy food producers £12m

Community safety initiatives £7.6m

sportscotland £102m
Healthy eating budget ( FSAS) £6.1m
Accessing outdoor environments (Forestry Comm and SNH) £11.2m
NHS Health Scotland (Breastfeeding) £0.75m

*Only a proportion of expenditure in these areas relates to obesity.

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