Prevention of homelessness duties: consultation analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to the joint Scottish Government/ COSLA consultation on proposed new prevention of homelessness duties, which ran from 17 December 2021 to 8 April 2022.

Appendix B: Full closed question results


The Prevention of Homelessness Duties consultation included 52 closed questions which asked respondents for their views on the range of proposals included in the consultation. This appendix details the responses to these questions.

38 questions asked respondents whether they agreed with a proposal, on a scale of: strongly agree, agree, disagree, disagree strongly. Answer options for the remaining 14 questions varied depending on the question.

In some cases, respondents did not answer every question. Four questions were asked of people with lived experience of homelessness; between 5 and 8 respondents answered these. Of the remaining 48 questions, an average of 56 out of 113 respondents gave an answer (50%).

Two tables follow. Table 1 is based on respondents who gave an answer to each question and presents the percentage of this group who gave each response.

Table 2 provides a full summary of the data, presenting the number and percentage of responses to each question, and the number who did not answer. We then present the share of response among those who answered.


Analysis of the closed questions show widespread support for the proposals put forward in the consultation.

Across the 36 agree/disagree questions[21], among those who gave an answer:

  • An average of 90% agreed with the proposals (the combined score of those who agreed or strongly agreed).
  • More specifically, an average of 40% strongly agreed with the proposals.

The highest levels of total agreement were:

  • 100% (64% strongly agreed) - Q44. Do you agree with the new legislative duties to ensure social landlords take specified reasonable steps to prevent homelessness where a risk is identified?
  • 100% (51% strongly agreed) - Q75. Do you agree with these proposals on preventing homelessness for people experiencing domestic abuse?
  • 98% (56% strongly agreed) - Q29. Do you agree with the proposal to introduce new legal duties on prisons to ask about and work with partners to address housing issues to prevent homelessness?
  • 98% (41% strongly agreed) - Q36. Do you agree that the set of proposed measures on domestic abuse are complementary to each other and consideration should be given to implementing them in full?
  • 96% (48% strongly agreed) - Q34. Do you agree with the proposal to place a statutory duty on the police to ask about somebody's housing circumstances if there is 'reasonable belief' they may be homeless or at risk of homelessness?
  • 96% (47% strongly agreed) - Q8. Do you agree with the proposal that Integration Authorities should identify the housing circumstances of people using health and social care services, and where necessary work with partners to ensure that service users are assisted into suitable housing or prevent the risk of homelessness?
  • 96% (39% strongly agreed) - Q4. Do you agree that public bodies should be required to 'ask and act' to prevent homelessness?

The following proposals recorded comparatively lower levels of total agreement, but three quarters or more agreed with each proposal:

  • 74% (17% strongly agreed) - Q9. Do you agree that a new legislative duty on Integration Authorities to identify housing circumstances of patients is the best way to prevent homelessness?
  • 75% (23% strongly agreed) - Q77. Do you agree with the criteria proposed for the stability of housing outcomes?
  • 78% (30% strongly agreed) - Q18. Do you agree with the proposal that GP practices are required to refer to local authorities where there is a risk of homelessness identified?
  • 79% (21% agreed strongly) - Q78. Do you agree that 12 months is an appropriate minimum expected period for accommodation to be available (regardless of the type of tenure) for people who are threatened with homelessness or have become homeless?
  • 79% (37% agreed strongly) - Q10. Do you agree that the Integration Authority should have primary legal responsibility for meeting accommodation and support needs where cases are so complex that they cannot be met in mainstream accommodation even with support?

Of the other closed questions included in the consultation:

  • 79% think these proposals offer an opportunity for potential savings or benefits to services through an increased focus on early intervention and preventing homelessness (Q94)
  • 75% think the proposal for 16 and 17 year olds would positively impact on the prevention of homelessness for young people? (Q27). However, 98% felt there could be unintended consequences for 16 and 17 year olds in taking this approach.
  • 71% think a duty on the Integration Authority would positively impact on preventing homelessness for people with a range of more complex needs (Q12)
Table 1: Summary of % response among all answering each question
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
Q1. Do you agree that these are the right foundational principles? 77 95% 43% 52% 4% 1%
Q3. Do you agree with the proposals to introduce new duties on public bodies to prevent homelessness? 75 93% 40% 53% 5% 1%
Q4. Do you agree that public bodies should be required to 'ask and act' to prevent homelessness? 76 96% 39% 57% 3% 1%
Q6. Do you agree to introducing a statutory duty on public bodies to prevent homelessness for anybody leaving an institution within six months? 72 94% 46% 49% 4% 1%
Q8. Do you agree with the proposal that Integration Authorities should identify the housing circumstances of people using health and social care services, and where necessary work with partners to ensure that service users are assisted into suitable housing or prevent the risk of homelessness? 70 96% 47% 49% 3% 1%
Q9. Do you agree that a new legislative duty on Integration Authorities to identify housing circumstances of patients is the best way to prevent homelessness? 66 74% 17% 58% 21% 5%
Q10. Do you agree that the Integration Authority should have primary legal responsibility for meeting accommodation and support needs where cases are so complex that they cannot be met in mainstream accommodation even with support? 62 79% 37% 42% 18% 3%
Question n= Positive Impact No impact Negative Impact
Q12. Do you think a duty on the Integration Authority would positively impact on preventing homelessness for people with a range of more complex needs? 63 71% 24% 5%
Q13. Do you agree with the proposal for a social worker or social care worker to have a duty to 'ask and act' about housing issues or the risk of homelessness? 65 95% 45% 51% 3% 2%
Q14. Do you agree that a duty to co-operate on the Integration Authority is the best way to ensure that people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, as a result of unmet health or social care needs, get the support they need from health and social care services? 62 89% 34% 55% 8% 3%
Q16. Do you agree with the proposal that the local authority must provide assistance to anyone who is going to be discharged from hospital? 67 85% 28% 57% 13% 1%
Q18. Do you agree with the proposal that GP practices are required to refer to local authorities where there is a risk of homelessness identified? 77 78% 30% 48% 10% 12%
Q20. Do you agree with the proposal that a statutory duty to put a case co-ordination approach in place for people requiring input from two or more public services is the right approach? 63 94% 46% 48% 6% 0%
Q23. Do you agree with the proposal to establish a duty on health visitors or head teachers to identify a housing issue or risk of homelessness to a local authority? 61 92% 41% 51% 8% 0%
Q26. Do you agree that a local authority, possibly in partnership with others, should have a family mediation service as part of its legislative duties to prevent youth homelessness? 59 86% 36% 51% 12% 2%
Question n= Positive Impact No impact Negative Impact
Q27. Do you think the proposal for 16 and 17 year olds would positively impact on the prevention of homelessness for young people? 56 75% 11% 14%
Question n= Yes No
Q28. Could there be any 'unintended consequences' for 16 and 17 year olds in taking this approach to legislation? If so, how can this best be addressed so that any new legislation improves outcomes for 16 and 17 year olds at risk of homelessness? 48 98% 2%
Q29. Do you agree with the proposal to introduce new legal duties on prisons to ask about and work with partners to address housing issues to prevent homelessness? 62 98% 56% 42% 2% 0%
Q33. Do you agree with the proposal that housing options advice should be available in court settings? 58 91% 29% 62% 9% 0%
Q34. Do you agree with the proposal to place a statutory duty on the police to ask about somebody's housing circumstances if there is 'reasonable belief' they may be homeless or at risk of homelessness? 56 96% 48% 48% 4% 0%
Q36. Do you agree that the set of proposed measures on domestic abuse are complementary to each other and consideration should be given to implementing them in full? 54 98% 41% 57% 2% 0%
Q38. Do you agree with the proposal that there should be a statutory duty on a local authority to accept a referral from a public body to prevent homelessness, as part of legislative change that places a duty on public bodies to 'ask and act'? 60 88% 43% 45% 12% 0%
Question n= Included in legislation Included in guidance
Q41. Should the requirements for joining-up services through strategic planning to prevent homelessness be included in legislation or guidance? 51 61% 39%
Q44. Do you agree with the new legislative duties to ensure social landlords take specified reasonable steps to prevent homelessness where a risk is identified? 58 100% 64% 36% 0% 0%
Q46. Do you agree with the proposal to legislate for the establishment of protocols by social landlords in relation to domestic abuse? 53 96% 55% 42% 4% 0%
Q47. Do you agree with the proposal to legislate for the establishment of protocols by social landlords in relation to where tenants face court proceedings? 51 94% 43% 51% 6% 0%
Q48. Given that landlords are already expected to notify local authorities of raising proceedings for possession, do you agree with a new legislative provision to ensure it happens earlier than under current arrangements? 46 85% 50% 35% 15% 0%
Q51. Do you agree with the proposal to make pre-action requirements on private landlords in cases of rent arrears permanent in legislation? 54 91% 54% 37% 4% 6%
Q54. Do you agree with the proposal that a local authority should have a power to request a delay to eviction to allow time to secure a positive outcome for the tenant? 52 87% 35% 52% 6% 8%
Q55. The Prevention Review Group propose that the homelessness advice and assistance is designed to meet the needs of people living in and seeking to access the private rented sector. Do you agree with this proposal? 55 93% 36% 56% 5% 2%
Q57. Do you agree with these principles? 53 92% 43% 49% 4% 4%
Q60. Do you agree with the recommendation that there should be changes to existing homelessness legislation to ensure that a local authority must assist somebody threatened with homelessness within the next six months to prevent homelessness? 52 87% 38% 48% 10% 4%
Q63. Building on the experience of housing options approaches in Scotland, do you agree with the proposal to regulate for making specific measures available or reasonable steps to prevent homelessness in legislation? 48 90% 31% 58% 8% 2%
Question n= Yes No
Q64. Are there any other specific measures that should be made available or reasonable steps to prevent homelessness that should be included in legislation? 45 67% 33%
Q65. Do you think the specific measures made available, or reasonable steps duties outlined, are clearly and unambiguously set out so that it is possible to measure their achievement? Do they need to be more specific? 34 59% 41%
Question n= Yes, they should form part of a statutory assessment No, they should be an option
Q68. Should personal housing plans form part of a statutory assessment for preventing homelessness by local authorities, or just be an option for local authorities to use with an applicant? 45 56% 44%
Q69. Do you agree with the proposal that a local authority should assess housing support needs, and make provision to meet them, as part of a new prevention of homelessness duty? 50 90% 44% 46% 8% 2%
Q73. Do you agree with the proposal for meeting the needs of specific groups? 56 96% 38% 59% 2% 2%
Q75. Do you agree with these proposals on preventing homelessness for people experiencing domestic abuse? 51 100% 51% 49% 0% 0%
Q77. Do you agree with the criteria proposed for the stability of housing outcomes? 53 75% 23% 53% 13% 11%
Q78. Do you agree that 12 months is an appropriate minimum expected period for accommodation to be available (regardless of the type of tenure) for people who are threatened with homelessness or have become homeless? 48 79% 21% 58% 10% 10%
Question n= Yes No
Q80. Are these the right grounds to consider in deciding on the suitability of housing outcomes? Are there any other grounds that should be considered? 46 83% 17%
Q81. Do you think the criteria proposed for both stability and suitability of housing outcomes would allow people a wider range of housing options to either prevent homelessness or rehouse someone who has become homeless, and that could lead to better outcomes for the applicant? 45 67% 33%
Q82. When taken with the general criteria for suitability and stability, do these additional safeguards provide the right safeguards to ensure these accommodation types (non-standard) are always suitable and stable? Are there any additional safeguards that could be put in place? 43 70% 30%
Q83. Do you think any additional measures are needed to ensure a right to review by the local authority within the proposed legislative measures to prevent homelessness? 39 38% 62%
Q87. Do you agree that there should be a general assessment of housing support needs of persons (separate to assessments for individuals) in an area as part of the Local Housing Strategy? 46 89% 26% 63% 11% 0%
Q88. Do you agree this is this the right package of reforms to meet the policy principles of early intervention and preventing homelessness? 51 84% 25% 59% 12% 4%
Question n= Yes No
Q94. Do you think these proposals offer an opportunity for potential savings or benefits to services through an increased focus on early intervention and preventing homelessness? 42 79% 21%
Lived experience questions
Q102. Did any services you were interacting with pick up on warning signs prior to your most recent or previous homelessness? 5 40% 60%
Q103. Do you agree with the proposal for a new duty to 'ask and act' about homelessness for public bodies such as health, justice, education, etc.? 8 100% 88% 13% 0% 0%
Question n= Yes No
Q104. Do you think such a duty on public bodies would have made a difference to your experiences, and do you think it could have prevented your most recent or previous homelessness? 4 100% 0% 0% 0%
Q105. Do you agree with this approach, and would it have helped prevent your most recent or previous homelessness? 5 100% 60% 40% 0% 0%
Table 2: Full summary of closed question results
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q1. Do you agree that these are the right foundational principles? Total 113 73 33 40 3 1 36
Total % 65% 29% 35% 3% 1% 32%
All answering 77 73 33 40 3 1
All answering % 95% 43% 52% 4% 1%
Q3. Do you agree with the proposals to introduce new duties on public bodies to prevent homelessness? Total 113 70 30 40 4 1 38
Total % 62% 27% 35% 4% 1% 34%
All answering 75 70 30 40 4 1
All answering % 93% 40% 53% 5% 1%
Q4. Do you agree that public bodies should be required to 'ask and act' to prevent homelessness? Total 113 73 30 43 2 1 37
Total % 65% 27% 38% 2% 1% 33%
All answering 76 73 30 43 2 1
All answering % 96% 39% 57% 3% 1%
Q6. Do you agree to introducing a statutory duty on public bodies to prevent homelessness for anybody leaving an institution within six months? Total 113 68 33 35 3 1 41
Total % 60% 29% 31% 3% 1% 36%
All answering 72 68 33 35 3 1
All answering % 94% 46% 49% 4% 1%
Q8. Do you agree with the proposal that Integration Authorities should identify the housing circumstances of people using health and social care services, and where necessary work with partners to ensure that service users are assisted into suitable housing or prevent the risk of homelessness? Total 113 67 33 34 2 1 43
Total % 59% 29% 30% 2% 1% 38%
All answering 70 67 33 34 2 1
All answering % 96% 47% 49% 3% 1%
Q9. Do you agree that a new legislative duty on Integration Authorities to identify housing circumstances of patients is the best way to prevent homelessness? Total 113 49 11 38 14 3 47
Total % 43% 10% 34% 12% 3% 42%
All answering 66 49 11 38 14 3
All answering % 74% 17% 58% 21% 5%
Q10. Do you agree that the Integration Authority should have primary legal responsibility for meeting accommodation and support needs where cases are so complex that they cannot be met in mainstream accommodation even with support? Total 113 49 23 26 11 2 51
Total % 43% 20% 23% 10% 2% 45%
All answering 62 49 23 26 11 2
All answering % 79% 37% 42% 18% 3%
Question Base n= Positive Impact No impact Negative Impact No answer
Q12. Do you think a duty on the Integration Authority would positively impact on preventing homelessness for people with a range of more complex needs? Total 113 45 15 3 50
Total % 40% 13% 3% 44%
All answering 63 45 15 3
All answering % 71% 24% 5%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q13. Do you agree with the proposal for a social worker or social care worker to have a duty to 'ask and act' about housing issues or the risk of homelessness? Total 113 62 29 33 2 1 48
Total % 55% 26% 29% 2% 1% 42%
All answering 65 62 29 33 2 1
All answering % 95% 45% 51% 3% 2%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q14. Do you agree that a duty to co-operate on the Integration Authority is the best way to ensure that people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, as a result of unmet health or social care needs, get the support they need from health and social care services? Total 113 55 21 34 5 2 51
Total % 49% 19% 30% 4% 2% 45%
All answering 62 55 21 34 5 2
All answering % 89% 34% 55% 8% 3%
Q16. Do you agree with the proposal that the local authority must provide assistance to anyone who is going to be discharged from hospital? Total 113 57 19 38 9 1 46
Total % 50% 17% 34% 8% 1% 41%
All answering 67 57 19 38 9 1
All answering % 85% 28% 57% 13% 1%
Q18. Do you agree with the proposal that GP practices are required to refer to local authorities where there is a risk of homelessness identified? Total 113 60 23 37 8 9 36
Total % 53% 20% 33% 7% 8% 32%
All answering 77 60 23 37 8 9
All answering % 78% 30% 48% 10% 12%
Q20. Do you agree with the proposal that a statutory duty to put a case co-ordination approach in place for people requiring input from two or more public services is the right approach? Total 113 59 29 30 4 0 50
Total % 52% 26% 27% 4% 0% 44%
All answering 63 59 29 30 4 0
All answering % 94% 46% 48% 6% 0%
Q23. Do you agree with the proposal to establish a duty on health visitors or head teachers to identify a housing issue or risk of homelessness to a local authority? Total 113 56 25 31 5 0 52
Total % 50% 22% 27% 4% 0% 46%
All answering 61 56 25 31 5 0
All answering % 92% 41% 51% 8% 0%
Q26. Do you agree that a local authority, possibly in partnership with others, should have a family mediation service as part of its legislative duties to prevent youth homelessness? Total 113 51 21 30 7 1 54
Total % 45% 19% 27% 6% 1% 48%
All answering 59 51 21 30 7 1
All answering % 86% 36% 51% 12% 2%
Question Base n= Positive Impact No impact Negative Impact No answer
Q27. Do you think the proposal for 16 and 17 year olds would positively impact on the prevention of homelessness for young people? Total 113 42 6 8 57
Total % 37% 5% 7% 50%
All answering 56 42 6 8
All answering % 75% 11% 14%
Question Base n= Yes No No answer
Q28. Could there be any 'unintended consequences' for 16 and 17 year olds in taking this approach to legislation? If so, how can this best be addressed so that any new legislation improves outcomes for 16 and 17 year olds at risk of homelessness? Total 113 47 1 65
Total % 42% 1% 58%
All answering 48 47 1
All answering % 98% 2%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q29. Do you agree with the proposal to introduce new legal duties on prisons to ask about and work with partners to address housing issues to prevent homelessness? Total 113 61 35 26 1 0 51
Total % 54% 31% 23% 1% 0% 45%
All answering 62 61 35 26 1 0
All answering % 98% 56% 42% 2% 0%
Q33. Do you agree with the proposal that housing options advice should be available in court settings? Total 113 53 17 36 5 0 55
Total % 47% 15% 32% 4% 0% 49%
All answering 58 53 17 36 5 0
All answering % 91% 29% 62% 9% 0%
Q34. Do you agree with the proposal to place a statutory duty on the police to ask about somebody's housing circumstances if there is 'reasonable belief' they may be homeless or at risk of homelessness? Total 113 54 27 27 2 0 57
Total % 48% 24% 24% 2% 0% 50%
All answering 56 54 27 27 2 0
All answering % 96% 48% 48% 4% 0%
Q36. Do you agree that the set of proposed measures on domestic abuse are complementary to each other and consideration should be given to implementing them in full? Total 113 53 22 31 1 0 59
Total % 47% 19% 27% 1% 0% 52%
All answering 54 53 22 31 1 0
All answering % 98% 41% 57% 2% 0%
Q38. Do you agree with the proposal that there should be a statutory duty on a local authority to accept a referral from a public body to prevent homelessness, as part of legislative change that places a duty on public bodies to 'ask and act'? Total 113 53 26 27 7 0 53
Total % 47% 23% 24% 6% 0% 47%
All answering 60 53 26 27 7 0
All answering % 88% 43% 45% 12% 0%
Question Base n= Included in legislation Included in guidance No answer
Q41. Should the requirements for joining-up services through strategic planning to prevent homelessness be included in legislation or guidance? Total 113 31 20 62
Total % 27% 18% 55%
All answering 51 31 20
All answering % 61% 39%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q44. Do you agree with the new legislative duties to ensure social landlords take specified reasonable steps to prevent homelessness where a risk is identified? Total 113 58 37 21 0 0 55
Total % 51% 33% 19% 0% 0% 49%
All answering 58 58 37 21 0 0
All answering % 100% 64% 36% 0% 0%
Q46. Do you agree with the proposal to legislate for the establishment of protocols by social landlords in relation to domestic abuse? Total 113 51 29 22 2 0 60
Total % 45% 26% 19% 2% 0% 53%
All answering 53 51 29 22 2 0
All answering % 96% 55% 42% 4% 0%
Q47. Do you agree with the proposal to legislate for the establishment of protocols by social landlords in relation to where tenants face court proceedings? Total 113 48 22 26 3 0 62
Total % 42% 19% 23% 3% 0% 55%
All answering 51 48 22 26 3 0
All answering % 94% 43% 51% 6% 0%
Q48. Given that landlords are already expected to notify local authorities of raising proceedings for possession, do you agree with a new legislative provision to ensure it happens earlier than under current arrangements? Total 113 39 23 16 7 0 67
Total % 35% 20% 14% 6% 0% 59%
All answering 46 39 23 16 7 0
All answering % 85% 50% 35% 15% 0%
Q51. Do you agree with the proposal to make pre-action requirements on private landlords in cases of rent arrears permanent in legislation? Total 113 49 29 20 2 3 59
Total % 43% 26% 18% 2% 3% 52%
All answering 54 49 29 20 2 3
All answering % 91% 54% 37% 4% 6%
Q54. Do you agree with the proposal that a local authority should have a power to request a delay to eviction to allow time to secure a positive outcome for the tenant? Total 113 45 18 27 3 4 61
Total % 40% 16% 24% 3% 4% 54%
All answering 52 45 18 27 3 4
All answering % 87% 35% 52% 6% 8%
Q55. The Prevention Review Group propose that the homelessness advice and assistance is designed to meet the needs of people living in and seeking to access the private rented sector. Do you agree with this proposal? Total 113 51 20 31 3 1 58
Total % 45% 18% 27% 3% 1% 51%
All answering 55 51 20 31 3 1
All answering % 93% 36% 56% 5% 2%
Q57. Do you agree with these principles? Total 113 49 23 26 2 2 60
Total % 43% 20% 23% 2% 2% 53%
All answering 53 49 23 26 2 2
All answering % 92% 43% 49% 4% 4%
Q60. Do you agree with the recommendation that there should be changes to existing homelessness legislation to ensure that a local authority must assist somebody threatened with homelessness within the next six months to prevent homelessness? Total 113 45 20 25 5 2 61
Total % 40% 18% 22% 4% 2% 54%
All answering 52 45 20 25 5 2
All answering % 87% 38% 48% 10% 4%
Q63. Building on the experience of housing options approaches in Scotland, do you agree with the proposal to regulate for making specific measures available or reasonable steps to prevent homelessness in legislation? Total 113 43 15 28 4 1 65
Total % 38% 13% 25% 4% 1% 58%
All answering 48 43 15 28 4 1
All answering % 90% 31% 58% 8% 2%
Question Base n= Yes No No answer
Q64. Are there any other specific measures that should be made available or reasonable steps to prevent homelessness that should be included in legislation? Total 113 30 15 68
Total % 27% 13% 60%
All answering 45 30 15
All answering % 67% 33%
Q65. Do you think the specific measures made available, or reasonable steps duties outlined, are clearly and unambiguously set out so that it is possible to measure their achievement? Do they need to be more specific? Total 113 20 14 79
Total % 18% 12% 70%
All answering 34 20 14
All answering % 59% 41%
Question Base n= Yes, they should form part of a statutory assessment No, they should be an option No answer
Q68. Should personal housing plans form part of a statutory assessment for preventing homelessness by local authorities, or just be an option for local authorities to use with an applicant? Total 113 25 20 68
Total % 22% 18% 60%
All answering 45 25 20
All answering % 56% 44%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q69. Do you agree with the proposal that a local authority should assess housing support needs, and make provision to meet them, as part of a new prevention of homelessness duty? Total 113 45 22 23 4 1 63
Total % 40% 19% 20% 4% 1% 56%
All answering 50 45 22 23 4 1
All answering % 90% 44% 46% 8% 2%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q73. Do you agree with the proposal for meeting the needs of specific groups? Total 113 54 21 33 1 1 57
Total % 48% 19% 29% 1% 1% 50%
All answering 56 54 21 33 1 1
All answering % 96% 38% 59% 2% 2%
Q75. Do you agree with these proposals on preventing homelessness for people experiencing domestic abuse? Total 113 51 26 25 0 0 62
Total % 45% 23% 22% 0% 0% 55%
All answering 51 51 26 25 0 0
All answering % 100% 51% 49% 0% 0%
Q77. Do you agree with the criteria proposed for the stability of housing outcomes? Total 113 40 12 28 7 6 60
Total % 35% 11% 25% 6% 5% 53%
All answering 53 40 12 28 7 6
All answering % 75% 23% 53% 13% 11%
Q78. Do you agree that 12 months is an appropriate minimum expected period for accommodation to be available (regardless of the type of tenure) for people who are threatened with homelessness or have become homeless? Total 113 38 10 28 5 5 65
Total % 34% 9% 25% 4% 4% 58%
All answering 48 38 10 28 5 5
All answering % 79% 21% 58% 10% 10%
Question Base n= Yes No No answer
Q80. Are these the right grounds to consider in deciding on the suitability of housing outcomes? Are there any other grounds that should be considered? Total 113 38 8 67
Total % 34% 7% 59%
All answering 46 38 8
All answering % 83% 17%
Question Base n= Yes No No answer
Q81. Do you think the criteria proposed for both stability and suitability of housing outcomes would allow people a wider range of housing options to either prevent homelessness or rehouse someone who has become homeless, and that could lead to better outcomes for the applicant? Total 113 30 15 68
Total % 27% 13% 60%
All answering 45 30 15
All answering % 67% 33%
Q82. When taken with the general criteria for suitability and stability, do these additional safeguards provide the right safeguards to ensure these accommodation types (non-standard) are always suitable and stable? Are there any additional safeguards that could be put in place? Total 113 30 13 70
Total % 27% 12% 62%
All answering 43 30 13
All answering % 70% 30%
Q83. Do you think any additional measures are needed to ensure a right to review by the local authority within the proposed legislative measures to prevent homelessness? Total 113 15 24 74
Total % 13% 21% 65%
All answering 39 15 24
All answering % 38% 62%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q87. Do you agree that there should be a general assessment of housing support needs of persons (separate to assessments for individuals) in an area as part of the Local Housing Strategy? Total 113 41 12 29 5 0 67
Total % 36% 11% 26% 4% 0% 59%
All answering 46 41 12 29 5 0
All answering % 89% 26% 63% 11% 0%
Q88. Do you agree this is this the right package of reforms to meet the policy principles of early intervention and preventing homelessness? Total 113 43 13 30 6 2 62
Total % 38% 12% 27% 5% 2% 55%
All answering 51 43 13 30 6 2
All answering % 84% 25% 59% 12% 4%
Question Base n= Yes No No answer
Q94. Do you think these proposals offer an opportunity for potential savings or benefits to services through an increased focus on early intervention and preventing homelessness? Total 113 33 9 71
Total % 29% 8% 63%
All answering 42 33 9
All answering % 79% 21%
Lived experience questions
Q102. Did any services you were interacting with pick up on warning signs prior to your most recent or previous homelessness? Total 113 2 3 108
Total % 2% 3% 96%
All answering 5 2 3
All answering % 40% 60%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q103. Do you agree with the proposal for a new duty to 'ask and act' about homelessness for public bodies such as health, justice, education, etc.? Total 113 8 7 1 0 0 105
Total % 7% 6% 1% 0% 0% 93%
All answering 8 8 7 1 0 0
All answering % 100% 88% 13% 0% 0%
Question Base n= Yes No No answer
Q104. Do you think such a duty on public bodies would have made a difference to your experiences, and do you think it could have prevented your most recent or previous homelessness? Total 113 4 0 109
Total % 4% 0% 0% 0% 96%
All answering 4 4 0 0 0
All answering % 100% 0% 0% 0%
Question Base n= Total Agree Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Q105. Do you agree with this approach, and would it have helped prevent your most recent or previous homelessness? Total 113 5 3 2 0 0 108
Total % 4% 3% 2% 0% 0% 96%
All answering 5 5 3 2 0 0
All answering % 100% 60% 40% 0% 0%



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