
Prevention of homelessness duties: consultation analysis

This report provides an analysis of responses to the joint Scottish Government/ COSLA consultation on proposed new prevention of homelessness duties, which ran from 17 December 2021 to 8 April 2022.


1. The areas highlighted by PRG in recommending new duties on public bodies included health and social care, justice services, children's and young person's services and proposals for those with multiple and complex needs.

2. Given the large number of proposals included in the consultation, we recommend reading this report alongside the consultation paper which provides additional background and detail on each proposal.

3. The combined score of those who agreed or strongly agreed.

4. Excluding the 2 agree/disagree questions asked of people with lived experience.

5. PREVENT1 is the case level data collection to monitor housing options/ homelessness prevention in Scotland. HL1 is the homeless statutory statistical return to the Scottish Government submitted by each local authority containing details regarding homelessness applications submitted locally.

6. Consultation events with key stakeholders highlighted a new methodological approach being trialled by a few local authorities in Scotland. Known as the 'three conversation approach', service providers are trained to ask more open-ended questions, allowing the service user to identify and prioritise their own needs.

7. Type I accreditation is a 'signposting' accreditation; all type I providers would be able to identify the early warning signs and refer onto a type II or III organisation straight away for intervention.


9. PRG mentioned Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) in relation to its proposals but in the consultation this was changed to Integration Authorities, which was considered a more appropriate vehicle if introducing new legal duties. Proposals for new duties on Integration Authorities were included in the consultation, which were considered the most appropriate vehicle for introducing new legal duties. However, many respondents made reference to HSCPs and this language is reflected in some parts of this report


11. The consultation paper notes that consideration will need to be given to any changes to social and social care work under a new National Care Service before implementing the homelessness prevention proposals.

12. Reference was made to Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968, section 12.

13. These included the Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA), Adults Support and Protection (ASP) legislation, Medically Assisted Treatment Standards (MAT), Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC), Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC).

14. Stakeholders attending consultation events noted that Health Visitors support up to age 23 or 24 but did not specify how this affects the provision of other social work support.

15. The Section 11 duty of the Homelessness etc. (Scotland) Act 2003 states that landlords must notify a local authority where the landlord raises proceedings for possession.

16. "Maximise applicant's choice and control within the realistic options and resources available" or "aim to maximise applicants' choice and control" were suggested.

17. An occupancy agreement is typically used when a person rents a room in a group home run by a housing association or in supported accommodation, where the main purpose of the stay is to receive support

18. A very small number objected to the use of the term 'other party in the abuse' in the consultation as they felt it diminished the role of the perpetrator.

19. Q97 to Q108; Q106 was split into two separate questions.

20. Responses are published on the Scottish Government's consultation website:

21. Excluding the 2 agree/disagree questions asked of people with lived experience.



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