
Prevention of Homelessness Guidance

Statutory guidance for local authorities on preventing homelessness


1. Daniel Coote, Scottish Council Single Homeless; Margaret-Ann Brunjes, Glasgow Homelessness Network; Alexis Camble, Shelter; Val Holtom, COSLA; Viv Boyle, Scottish Government; Lydia Okroj, Scottish Women's Aid; Marion Gibbs, Scottish Housing Regulator; Sue Shone, CIH Scotland; Rosanne Cubitt, Relationships Scotland; Rob Jones, Scottish Federation Housing Associations; Mike Penny, COSLA; Judi Reid, Scottish Government; Ella Simpson, The Rock Trust, Michaela Smith, CEC; Tracy Lindsay, SLC; Fiona Jackson, SHBVN
2. Scottish Government (2008), Evaluation of Homelessness Prevention Innovation Fund Projects, Research for Real
3. Crisis (2003) How Many, How Much? Single homelessness and the question of numbers and cost, London: Crisis
4. SCSH (2007) Tenancy Failure - how much does it cost?
5. Communities and Local Government (2007) Evaluating Homelessness Prevention, Hal Pawson et al, Heriot-Watt University
6. Scottish Government (2008) Evaluation of Homelessness Prevention Innovation Fund Projects, Research for Real
7. Scottish Executive (2007) Evaluation Of Homelessness Prevention Activities In Scotland, Pawson, H, Davidson, E and Netto G.
8. Communities and Local Government (2007) Ends and Means: The Future Roles of Social Housing in England, Professor John Hills.
9. Glasgow Housing Association (2008) Tenancy Sustainment Strategy
10. Heriot-Watt University and Mandy Littlewood (2006) Investigating Tenancy Sustainment in Glasgow: GHA
11. Improving Access and Maximising Choice: the Applicant's Perspective on Allocation Schemes (Scottish Executive, 2007)
13. Youth homelessness in the UK (2008), JRF, Quilgars, Johnsen and Pleace
14. These Are Our Bairns, A guide for community planning partnerships on being a good corporate parent (Scottish Government, 2008)
16. Scottish Executive (2007) A Literature Review on Multiple and Complex Needs, Ann Rosengard Associates
17. N.Pleace, Effective Services for Substance Misuse and Homelessness in Scotland: Evidence from an International Review (2008), Scottish Government
18. In Scotland, Glasgow currently remains the only area where asylum seekers are accommodated by the UK Border Agency, however there are a number of asylum seekers across Scotland who are accommodated with family and friends and only receive financial support.
19. Heriot Watt University (2009) Navigating the Maze: Refugee Routes to Housing Support and Settlement in Scotland, Netto G, Fraser A.
20. (2003) Sara Burns and Sally Cupitt.

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