
The Prevention and Management of Falls in the Community: A Framework for Action for Scotland 2014/15

The aim of the Framework for Action is to support a more consistent approach to falls prevention and management and in doing so improve experiences and outcomes for older people, their families and carers; and to accelerate the pace of implementing integrated falls and fragility fracture pathways.


Since 2010 the National Falls Programme has worked with a network of CH(C)P Falls Leads to support health and social care partnership areas to implement local integrated falls and fragility fracture pathways. The pathways enable an inclusive, systematic and evidence based approach to falls prevention and management. The model pathway is outlined in the Healthcare Improvement Scotland resource, Up and About[2]. (Figure 1)

The 2012 report, Up and About or Falling Short[3], presented the findings of a mapping exercise in Scotland which aimed to identify the extent to which recommended practices were embedded in systems of care for older people. The report suggested that although in recent years there has been progress in the implementation of local care pathways for older people who have fallen, there remains variation in service provision and quality in Scotland. An older person's likelihood of being offered evidence based care depends on where and to whom he or she presents (a) following a fall, (b) with a fracture or other fall-related injury, or (c) with increased care and support needs due to a fall. Opportunities for prevention of falls and fractures are being missed.

Figure 1: Up and About Pathway, QIS 2010

Figure 1: Up and About Pathway, QIS 2010


Email: Susan Malcolm

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